MIDI Styles Set 22: 60s British Invasion
Remember the British Rock Invasion of the 60's, featuring such classic groups as the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, the Hollies, the Dave Clark 5, and Herman's Hermits? With Styles Set #22, '60's British Invasion', you'll have 23 great new styles for 60's British classic grooves; drivin' Rock, gritty Blues, Pop, Folk-Rock, Pop-Latin, Shuffle, and Pop Ballads, in straight and swung 8ths rhythms, in slow, medium or fast, 4/4 and 3/4 tempos. Many of the styles concentrate on a 4-piece group, with 2 guitars, bass, drums and occasional background vocals. Styles Set 22 will make a great addition to your Styles library!
Bass Riff st.8 Blues - 60's Brit [BASRIF_8.STY]
A 3-guitar Blues style with 5 insts: strat rhythm guitar28, mt. g (w/bass), el. bass35, drs, ov. drive guitar30. Guit pushes, bass riff. Blues, so C=C7. T=140
Brit 60's Bouncy Swing [BRIT60SW.STY]
This early 60's bright & breezy Pop style 5 insts: el. piano, fr. bass, drs, nyl. g(ukulele) & mt. guitar. Bouncy bass - a pre-cursor to Reggae? T=135
Brit 60's Med-Slow St.8 [BRIT8SLO.STY]
Tempo is around 120, but this style has a SLOW half-time feel of around 60. St.8 Rock w/5 insts: piano2, bass29, drs, ac. guitar & dist. guitar. T=115
Brit 60's Gritty R&R [BRITROK8.STY]
Raw & gritty, basic 60's R&R style with 5 instruments: el. grand piano, el. bass 34, power drums 17, overdrive guitar & distorted guitar. T=135
Folk Guitar - 60's Brit Pop [FOLKGUIT.STY]
Pop-folk solo guitar style with soft click-track. 2 acoustic guitars are used -one plays arpeggios, the 2nd plays bass lines. String section joins in at 'b'. T=92
Fast 3/4 Folk Rock - 60's Brit [FOLKRK34.STY]
Fast British 3/4 Rock w/ 5 insts: 2 acoustic guitars, frt. Bass & drums. Percussion, duple rhythm & broad strummed Sitar chords at 'b'. T=185
Orchestral Pop Ballad -60's Brit [ORK60BAL.STY]
Big sounding st.8 Pop-Rock ballad with Strings and Horns. 5 instruments: ac. Piano, ac. bass, drums, brass & strings. T=70
Pop 60's Swing 8ths - 60's Brit [POP60_SW.STY]
Med-Slow sw. Pop w/ 5 insts: el. bass, ac. g, ac.g, drs & voice oohs 54. Ac. guitars strum in a different range for a fuller sound. Voice pad bg thru-out. T=115
Pop 8ths 60's - 60's Brit [POP8_60S.STY]
Bouncy Sw. 8 Pop style w/ 5 insts: br. Piano (4-to the bar chops), ac. bass, drums, strat(2&4) & brass (BGs at 'a', fills at 'b'). T=115
Rock st.8 - 60's Brit [ROCK8.STY]
Drivin' straight 8th Rock style with 4 insts: ac. guitar 26, strat guitar 28, el. bass 34, & drums. T=140
Rock st.8 #2 - 60's Brit [ROCK8_2.STY]
Alternate version of ROCK8.STY. This version adds vocal bg at 'b'. Straight 8 Rock style with 5 insts: guitar 26, guitar 28, bass 34, drums & vocal bg (54) at 'b'. T=140
Rock Rhumba - 60's Brit [ROCKRMBA.STY]
Rock Rhumba style with 4 insts: Nyl. guitar (arps), ac. g(strums), frt. bass & drs. At 'a', drs-light congas only. Traps w/ b-beat at 'b'. T=117
Rock 60's Shuffle - 60's Brit [ROK60SHF.STY]
Med-Fast Rock shuffle w/ 5 insts: mt. g, strat g, frt. bass & drums. At 'b', add vocal BGs(54). Guitars-triplet rhythm at 'a'. Sparser rhythm pattern at 'b'. T=155
Rock String Quartet - 60's Brit [ROKSTRQT.STY]
This (classical) string quartet style can be applied to almost any straight 8th medium tempo tune. 3 insts: violins 1&2, viola & cello. T=137
Sitar Rock fast - 60's Brit [SITARROK.STY]
Fast Sitar flavored st.8 rock style w/ 5 insts: strat guitar (comp), strat guitar (offbeats), ac. bass, drums and sitar (at 'b'). T=155
Straight 8 Folk Rock - 60's Brit [ST8FOKRK.STY]
A Folk- w/ 5 insts: el.pno 2(pad-comp), frt. bass, drums, ac. guitar (folk-picking) & strings (Cello at 'a', Strs at 'b'). T=137
60's Brit Rock 8 - No Brushes [60_ROK8.STY]
A variation of the brushes style, 60~ROK8.STY , this 60's British Rock Blues-Train style uses regular drum set. 5 insts: P 6, strat g, ov. drive g, drs, bass 34. T=123
60's Brit Strum guitars - Pop/Ro [60_STRUM.STY]
Medium st. 8 ala early 60s British groups (The Hollies, The Dave Clark 5, etc.) w/strum-guitars feel. 5 insts: piano2, bass36, drs, ac. guit, strat. T=135
60's Brit Rock 8 Blues-Train [60~ROK8.STY]
This style uses BRUSHES (~). 60's British Rock Blues-Train feel with 5 insts: Piano 6, strat guitar, overdrive guitar, drums, bass 34. T=123
60's Brit 4/4 Pop-Rock [60S44ROK.STY]
Early 60's British Pop Rock ala Dave Clark 5, The Hollies. With 5 instruments: organ19, bass34, drs, guit28, horns62. Bass and Drums play 16th-note figure at 'b'. T=140
60's Brit Rock Honky-tonk Blues [60SBLUES.STY]
Gritty blues style ala 60s British hard core rock groups. 5 insts: ov/drv guitar, dist. guitar, el. bass, drs & organ19. At 'b', ride cymbal & more intense. T=118
60's Brit Pop 16 [60SPOP16.STY]
Features offbeat straight 8ths throughout. 5 insts: H-tonk piano, ac. bass, drums, ac. Guitar & clarinets (at 'b'). T=114
60's Brit Rock Ballad [60SRKBAL.STY]
Slow Rock Ballad style with 5 insts: ac. piano, ac. guitar, frt. bass, drums, & voice bg. Ac. guitar strums. More intense at 'b' & add tambourine. T=77
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