MIDI Styles Set 24: Guitar and More
We've been listening and we've responded with over 20 great new styles chosen from customer requests. Styles Set #24 features a tasty mixture of Folk, Pop, Jazz, Waltz, Irish, Rhythm guitar, and smooth middle of the road. There's also a variety of Latin-influenced styles like Cumbia, Salsa, Mambo & Bossa.
Amour-St8 MOR Folk/Rock w/b-beat [AMOUR!.STY]
This MOR (middle of the road) style uses 2 guitars - strummed & finger-picked. The '!' indicates the guitars use the 'smart' guitar voicings. 5 inst: el.p, G, G, b, d. T=110
Blank 4/4 Even 8th utility 'styl [BLANK.STY]
Blank 3/4 utility 'style' [BLANK34.STY]
Byrd Duo - Bossa Guitar & Piano [!BYRDDUO.STY]
Duo Bossa - Nylon Guitar ala CByrd & Piano only. Guitar Uses 'intelligent' voicings using typical Bossa syncopation. T=130
Byrd Quartet - Bossa quartet [!BYRDQRT.STY]
nylon bossa guitar!, bass, piano, & brushes. Guitar! Uses 'intelligent' voicings using typical Bossa syncopation Tempo = 130.
Byrd Solo - Nylon Guitar Bossa [!BYRDSOL.STY]
Solo guitar Bossa accompaniment - Nylon Guitar! Uses 'intelligent' voicings using typical Bossa syncopation. Tempo = 130.
Byrd Trio - Bossa Guitar Trio w/ [!BYRDTRI.STY]
Trio Bossa - nylon guitar!, acoustic bass & brushes. Guitar! Uses 'intelligent' voicings using typical Bossa syncopation Tempo = 130.
Country Guitar Solo Waltz [C!GITWLZ.STY]
Solo Country Guitar Waltz (using 'intelligent' guitar voicings). Tempo = 120.
Campfire (swing) Guitars [!CAMPGIT.STY]
2 Campfire Swing Folk guitars! Guitars! Swing Folk with finger picking guitar and strum guitar. Uses 'intelligent' voicings. Nylon guitar! and acoustic guitar! Soft simple acoustic bass at 'b'. Tempo = 165.
Campfire st.8 ac. guitars [!CAMPST8.STY]
Straight 8 style featuring 2 acoustic guitars only. T = 160.
ChetBrushes-UpTempo sw. Travis g [~!CHETBR.STY]
Features electric guitar! with Travis picking technique. At 'a' guitar only. At 'b' add acoustic bass & brushes(~). 4 instruments: electric guitar!, muted guitar!, bass, drums-brushes. Tempo = 220.
Cupid-60s St8 bouncy Pop [CUPID!.STY]
This style features the bouncy Pop-Rock style common to the 60s. 5 instruments: electric piano2, bass, drums, strat! and organ. At 'b', organ chords and fills, cowbell, more intense. Tempo = 145.
Fluther-Celtic 2-beat bounce [FLUTHER!.STY]
This medium-tempo bouncy Irish style features 5 instruments: piano, bass, drums, guitar! and accordion. '!' indicates guitar style uses intelligent guitar voicings. Tempo = 140.
Freddie-solo FrGreen Rhy-guitar [!FREDDIE.STY]
This is a one-instrument solo FrGreen Rhythm guitar style. The 'intelligent' voicings use 3 note guitar voicings. Rhythm acoustic guitar only. Tempo = 175.
Gentry-Light St8 pop Guitar [GENTRY!~.STY]
This style features nylon guitar finger-picking and strum, with simple acoustic bass and cello at 'a'. At 'b', add drums-brushes and strings. Tempo = 120.
Guitar Fast Solo Waltz accompani [GIT!34SO.STY]
Solo fast Jazz Waltz featuring solo guitar! with 'intelligent' chord voicings. T = 180.
Jazz-Honey-solo stride piano [J!~HONEY.STY]
At 'a', solo stride piano (with 10ths & some fills). At 'b' add bass, drums-brushes & rhythm guitar! 'Smart' guitar voicings. Tempo = 170.
Jazz-EdLang-40s sw. rhy-guitar [J!EDLANG.STY]
Bouncy Swing ?a rhythm players like Eddie Lang. At 'a' guitar only. At 'b', add acoustic bass. In this version, the Freddie Green voicings are used exclusively. Tempo = 110.
Jazz-EdLang2-var-40s sw. rhy-gui [J!EDLNG2.STY]
This variation of J!EdLang.sty mixes the Fr. Green & Pop/Barre chord voicings for a fuller sound. Guitar only at 'a'. Ac. Bass at 'b'. Tempo = 115.
Jazz-Freddie Green2-rhy-Git (var [J!FGREE2.STY]
This variation of J!Fgreen.sty features 3-note rhythm chords. Bass is in '2' at 'a' and in '4' at 'b'. 2 instruments: - acoustic guitar! & bass. Tempo = 124.
Jazz-Freddie Green-rhy-guitar [J!FGREEN.STY]
This variation of J!FGree2.sty uses 4-note (rather than 3-note) rhythm chords. 2 instruments: acoustic guitar! & bass. Bass is in '2' at 'a' and in '4' at 'b'. Tempo = 150.
Jazz-Guitar Waltz-w/smart-Guitar [J!GITWLZ.STY]
This fast Swing Jazz-Waltz style features 5 instruments: electric piano, guitar!, bass, drums and strings at 'b'. Tempo = 180.
DDozen-Contemp. NewOrl March [J_DDOZEN.STY]
Swing 16ths - New Orleans syncopated marching drums (very hip & swinging), tuba, banjo and 'live' drums. Tempo = 110.
Latin-C_Cruz-Salsa ala Celia [L!C_CRUZ.STY]
Exciting modern Latin Salsa ?a Celia Cruz or Kinito Mendez. Busy & energetic straight 16ths rhythm. 5 instruments: acoustic piano, acoustic bass, drums, percussion, acoustic guitar! and brass with fills. Tempo = 150.
Latin-El Nino-Med-slow Cumbia [L!ELNINO.STY]
This is a medium-slow older-style Cumbia featuring the accordion. 4 instruments: guitar!, acoustic bass, drums, & accordion. Bass rhythm is 'quarter-note followed by 2 8th-notes'. Tempo = 100.
Latin-Perro-Pop Rhumba [L!PERRO.STY]
Fast 8th-note Rhumba-Samba. The bass rhythm is 'dotted-quarter, dotted-quarter, quarter' throughout. 5 instruments: piano, fretless bass, drums & percussion, acoustic guitar! and French horn pad. Tempo = 230.
Latin-Prado-Mambo [L!PRADO.STY]
Latin medium Mambo ?a Perez featuring brass fills & strum acoustic guitar! 4 instruments: acoustic bass, drums, percussion, guitar! and brass fills. More intense at 'b'. Guitar uses 'smart' chord voicings. Tempo = 130.
Percy-slow 12/8 50s Pop [PERCY!~.STY]
This is a slow 50s Pop 12/8 style with acoustic piano & nylon guitar! in triplets. Very simple bass & brushes. '!' = smart guitar voicings, '~' = brushes. 5 instruments: piano, bass, drums-brushes, guitar! and strings Tempo = 62
Show Fast-Fast show tunes [SHOWFAST.STY]
Fast 2-beat (cut-time) style for Broadway show tunes. Also 2 similar styles, ShwFst2! & ShoFst3!, which add more instruments. 3 instruments: piano, bass & drums. Tempo = 270.
Show-Fast2-Fast Broadway var. [SHWFST2!.STY]
This variation adds rhythm guitar! to ShowFast.sty. 4 instruments: piano, bass, drums and guitar! Tempo = 280.
Show-Fast3-Fast Broadway var. [SHWFST3!.STY]
This variation adds rhythm guitar! & strings to ShowFast.sty. 5 instruments: piano, bass, drums, guitar! and strings. Tempo = 300.
Smooth-st.8 MOR-FM [SMOOTH!~.STY]
Middle of the road straight 8 style ?a Mantovani with brushes, smart acoustic guitar voicings, and slow strings. 5 instruments: piano, bass, drums-brushes, guitar!, strings. Tempo = 90.
Travel-fast 2-beat FolkPopCtry [TRAVEL!.STY]
This loose straight 8 style features 2 'smart' guitars! Acoustic guitar & muted guitar. With 5 instruments: piano, acoustic guitar!, muted guitar!, bass, & drums. More raucous at 'b'. Tempo = 200.
Trini-60s pop Guitar ala Lopez [TRINI!.STY]
This is a straight 8 style featuring electric Jazz guitar! (with pushes) & acoustic guitar! With 4 instruments: electric guitar!, acoustic guitar!, bass, & drums. Tempo = 165.
Winds-med. swing Folk [WINDS!.STY]
This style features 2 guitars -finger picking & strum guitar. Good for Folk tunes at medium swing tempos. 4 insts: nyl.g., ac.g., ac.b, & drums. T=160
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