Abra - Smooth Jazz -16th funk [ABRA.STY]
16th based pop funk Latin jazz with active snare-drum part. Uses 5 instruments - strat comp, el. piano, el. bass, drums and percussion. Add synth at 'b'. T=90- 120.
Candles - Smooth Jazz - Floating [CANDLES.STY]
Spacious feel, ride cymbals, piano motif accompaniment, 16th bass figures. 'b' - Piano comps, bass more active. Uses 5 instruments - ac. bass, ac. piano, ac. guitar, pad, drums & percussion. T=70-100.
Cool - Smooth Jazz - Soulful [COOL.STY]
Soulful jazz-pop ballad style with 4 instruments: el. piano2, frt. bass, el. Guitar, drums & percussion. At 'b' add handclaps & 16th guitar comp figures. T=70-100.
Cosmic - Smooth Jazz - 6/4 st. 8 [COSMIC.STY]
Features a spacious straight 8th note feel in 6/4 meter (2 bars of 3/ 4). 5 instruments:- arp. harp, ac. bass, pad synth, drums. Add ac. guitar at 'b'. T = 85-110.
CrossWind - Smooth Jazz - Modern [CROSWIND.STY]
A modern smooth jazz style with contrasting A and B sections. 5 instruments:- ac. bass, drums, pads @ 'a' . Add piano and percussion at 'b'. T= 95-125.
Goodtime - Smooth Jazz - Groove [GOODTIME.STY]
16th based jazz pop 'feel-good' groove with Uses 5 instruments - bass, drums (w/ congas, shaker & tamb), el. piano (use chorus), el. Guitar & strings. Handclaps on 2&4 at 'b'. T=80-105.
Higher - Smooth Jazz -Hip Hop [HIGHER.STY]
Hip Hop Smooth Jazz (louder) with Uses 5 instruments - synth bass, drums, el. Guitar, bell pad, organ. T= 75-105.
Jammin - Smooth Jazz - Easy [JAMMIN.STY]
16th note Easy listening jazz. Uses 5 instruments - slap bass, drums, el. guitar 16th comping, LH piano chords. At 'b', add high string note & congas. T= 85-115.
KGBallad - Smooth Jazz - Very sl [KGBALLAD.STY]
Very slow 4, 4 (16ths) pop ballad style. Uses 5 instruments - frt. bass, synth key 16th's, pad, drums. Add ac. guitar at 'b'. T= 50-75.
Myriad - Smooth Jazz - World-bea [MYRIAD.STY]
Ethnic, world-beat smooth jazz style with 5 instruments - harp, ac. bass, koto, drums & percussion. Add extra percussion. & pad @ 'b'. T =65-95.
Rufus - Smooth Jazz - Hip-hop [RUFUS.STY]
Smooth 16ths hip hop jazz style. Uses 5 instruments - bass, drums, 2 pads, sparse piano fills. T= 75-105.
Sage - Smooth Jazz - Latin [SAGE.STY]
16th based smooth Latin jazz. Active syncopated piano arpeggios. Uses 5 instruments: frt. bass, pad, drums & congas. At 'b' add high synth lines & more active drums, percussion. T=75-110.
Sass - Smooth Jazz - Rock [SASS.STY]
16th based jazz-rock with repeated push rhythm. Uses 5 instruments - ac. piano, ac. bass & drums. Add percussion and single note pad @ 'b'. T= 86-110.
Skyblast - Smooth Jazz - Hip hop [SKYBLAST.STY]
Smooth 'hip hop' jazz with swing 16ths feel. Uses 5 instruments - synth pad, bass, drums & muted guitar. Add el. piano. @ 'b'. T=80-110.
Slow Hop - Smooth Jazz - Relaxed [SLOWHOP.STY]
Relaxed groove, swing 16ths, jazz pop 'Hip Hop' feel. Uses 5 instruments - bass, drums, el. guitar, high single note pad, el. piano. Add congas @ 'b'. T=75-100.
SlowSoul - Smooth Jazz - Soulful [SLOWSOUL.STY]
Easy listening soulful 16th based ballad style featuring pushes into 'and of 2'. Uses 5 instruments - el. piano, el. bass, pad, muted guitar, drums. At 'b' add high strings & congas, hand claps. T=58- 80.
Smoothly - Smooth Jazz - Pop Lat [SMOOTHLY.STY]
Laid back Latin- jazz pop groove (16th based). Uses 5 instruments - pad, frt. bass, el. guitar, drums. Add single line synth pad and el. piano at 'b'. T=80-110.
Sway - Smooth Jazz - Latin Pop [SWAY.STY]
Latin Pop - Breezy 16th style with Uses 5 instruments - el. bass, el. piano., el. guitar comp, drums & Latin percussion. T=80-110.
Sweet - Smooth Jazz - Funk [SWEET.STY]
Spacious funk 16ths hip hop groove. Uses 5 instruments - el. bass, el. piano, drums, muted guitar. Add percussion & synth off-beats at 'b'. T=80-100.
Tailgate - Smooth Jazz - Shuffle [TAILGATE.STY]
Smooth Shuffle Groove with Uses 5 instruments - el. bass, drums, el. piano (added chorus), clav. Add brass & tambourine at 'b'. T=85-115.
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