MIDI Styles Set 37: World Styles 2
Following your very positive response to Styles Set 34, World Styles, we are delighted to bring you this new collection of 20 great new styles inspired by music from around the globe. Includes: AFRICA2, BOUZOUK1, CAJNZYD2, 68EASTRN, CELTLADY, EGYPTPOP, MIDEAST2, VIENAWLZ, ISRAEL2, 98_TURK, 10_8EAST and many more.
Africa 2 - World Styles 2 [AFRICA2.STY]
This is a 12/8 style. The pulse can be felt either as 4 groups of 3, or 6 groups of 2. This produces an attractive rhythmic ambiguity. 5 instruments: Nylon Guitar, Marimba, Shamisen, Pizzicato Strings, and Percussion. Tempo = 105
Bouzouki 1 - World Styles 2 [BOUZOUK1.STY]
This dance usually begins quite slowly and gradually increases in tempo. The Bouzouki melody instruments are typically played by 2 players in 3rds. In the "b" section, it's assumed that this will be at a faster tempo, therefore it is less busy. 5 instruments: Piano, Bass, Drums, Electric Guitar, and Acoustic Guitar. Tempo = very slow to very fast.
Cajun Zydeco2 -World Styles 2 [CAJNZYD2.STY]
This style has a Funky, Bluesy feel. The accordion plays "answer-type" fills. The Stratocaster plays off-beat triplets. Add fiddle fills at "b". 5 instruments: Accordion, Stratocaster Guitar, Fretless Bass, and Drums. Fiddle added at "b" section. Tempo = 12
Celtic Lady - World Styles 2 [CELTLADY.STY]
This is a medium Celtic Swing 2-beat bounce, featuring finger picking banjo and percussion rather than typical drum trap set at "a". 5 instruments: Acoustic Bass, Acoustic Guitar (strums), Banjo (finger picking 8ths), Percussion at "a", Drums at "b", high Acoustic Guitar (?a Mandolin). At "b": every 4th bar begins with 3 emphasized quarter notes with hand claps; also, more intensity and added sticks (?a spoons). Tempo = 185
China 1 -Pop 2-beat -World Style [CHINA~1.STY]
This is a Pop even 8ths 2-beat Chinese style. Although the tempo is 100 bpm it feels like 200bpm as it's in cut time. 5 instruments: Acoustic Bass, Reed Organ, Koto, Percussion (with brushes) and slow String Pad. Tempo = 100
Eastern Rock - World Styles 2 [EASTRNRK.STY]
5 instruments: Clean Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Bass, Drums, and Acoustic Guitar. The demo melody uses a scale (or mode) that is typically used in Eastern countries. Also notice that the melody is played in the lower range of the guitar with repeated 16th notes. Tempo = 165
Egyptian Pop - World Styles 2 [EGYPTPOP.STY]
This is an even 16ths Pop style with a Contemporary Egyptian Pop flavor. The percussion features Tabla-like percussion with low Surdo on beats 1 and 3. 5 instruments: Percussion, Electric Piano, Synth Bass, Saw Wave, and Poly Synth Pad. At "b", bass is less intense and add tambourine and more percussion intensity. Tempo = 120
Ethnic Fast 2Bt - World Styles 2 [ETH_FAST.STY]
This fast 2-beat (4/4) Oompapa (German) style features 5 instruments: Tuba, Accordion, Mandolin, Drums, and Clarinet fills. Tempo = 250
Israeli 2 - World Styles 2 [ISRAEL2.STY]
Although the style is Eastern Mediterranean in origin (great for Klezmer), it can also be used for any cut-time 2-beat feels. Features: percussion rather than "drum-trap set", mandolin-like tremolo and chords on acoustic guitar, accordion comping with fills, cello background at "a", string section at "b". A cut-time tempo of 130 is like a regular 4/4 tempo of 260. 5 instruments: Accordion, Acoustic Guitar, Acoustic Bass, Percussion and Cello. Add String Section and Snare Drum back beats at "b." Tempo = 130
Italian Pop - World Styles 2 [ITAL~POP.STY]
An even 8ths, medium-slow Pop/Jazz style featuring guitar arpeggios, strings and Brushes. 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano (light sustained chords and fills), Acoustic Bass (sustained at "a", rhythm at "b"), Acoustic Guitar (arpeggios), Light Drums (with Brushes) and Slow Strings. Tempo = 110
Mexican 3/4 - World Styles 2 [MEX~34.STY]
This is a fast 3/4 Mexican Waltz style with 5 instruments: Acoustic Guitar, Nylon Guitar, Acoustic Bass, and Drums (with brushes). At "b" - add 2 Trumpets in 3rds. Tempo = 160
MidEast2 - World Styles 2 [MIDEAST2.STY]
MidEast2 style has even 16ths - featuring Tabla-like percussion. Ideal for Middle Eastern monophonic types of melodies. 5 instruments: Percussion, Fretless Bass (36), Sitar (105), Shamisen (107), and Warm Pad (90). Tempo = 125
Oompapa 3/4 - World Styles2 [OOMPAP34.STY]
3/4 fast Waltz in a German Oompapa style. 5 instruments: Tuba (as Bass), Accordion (chords), Drums (Ride at "b"), Acoustic Guitar (rhythm), and Trombone (fills). Tempo = 180
Rings - World Styles 2 [RINGS.STY]
Slow even 16th orchestral style with strings, arpeggiated harp, light percussion and acoustic guitar. The "a" section is restful. At "b", add slight backbeat. 5 instruments: Acoustic Guitar (16th arpeggios), Acoustic Bass (sustained at "a", rhythm at "b"), Harp (8th note arpeggios) and Drums (light percussion at "a", slight backbeat at "b").
Scandinavian 1- World Styles 2 [SCANDI_1.STY]
Very simple and peaceful medium-slow 2-beat style with a Pop-Classical flair. The feel is even 8ths. 5 instruments: Harp (arpeggios), simple Acoustic Bass (in 2), Tremolo Strings, Pizzicato Strings (quarter-note arpeggios), and Percussion. Tempo = 110
Viennese Waltz - World Styles 2 [VIENAWLZ.STY]
A fast 3/4 European Ballroom Dance style with an orchestral sound. 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano, Acoustic Bass, Acoustic Guitar, Drums (brushes) and Slow Strings. Drums feature quiet brushes. Bass durations are fairly short. Piano and guitar play a simple comp on 2 and 3. Strings are lower at "a" and higher at "b". Tempo = 145
Waltz German - World Styles 2 [WALZGERM.STY]
A simple waltz in 3/4. 5 instruments: Acoustic Piano, Fretless Bass, Drums (brushes), Accordion (un-busy), and Acoustic Guitar (arpeggios). Tempo = 145
10/8 Eastern - World Styles 2 [10_8EAST.STY]
10/8 Eastern European style with 5 instruments: Percussion, Nylon Guitar (as Bass), Acoustic Piano, Sitar and String Pad. The percussion is Eastern in flavor - featuring quasi-Tabla, Tambourine, open Surdo etc. The nylon guitar sound (25) is used as a bass sound. The sitar plays slow-strummed sustained chords. Strings- quasi-cello at "a", string section at "b". Tempo = 100
Eastern 6/8 - World Styles 2 [68EASTRN.STY]
This Eastern 6/8 style (in even 16th 6/8 time) features Tabla-like percussion with low Surdo drum. It works well with Mid-East and Eastern songs (for Countries like Iraq, Egypt, Turkey etc.) in 6/8 meter. Usually this genre of music is monophonic - (non-chordal). Therefore the accompanying instruments are not playing chords. Contains 5 instruments: Percussion, Koto, Sitar, Shamisen, and Woodblock Percussion (add Tambourine at "b"). Tempo = 100
9/8 Turkish - World Styles 2 [98_TURK.STY]
This is a Turkish 9/8 style. Each bar has 9 eighth notes -3/4 time in triplets. The 5 instruments: Acoustic Guitar (as Bass) Harpsichord, Shamisen, Sitar, and Percussion. There are 2 distinct feels in this 9/8 style: At "a": 9/8 feel based on 3 groups of triplets (3+3+3), at "b": 9/8 feel based on 3 groups of 2 8th notes followed by 3 8th notes. (2+2+2+3) Tempo = 85
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