MIDI Styles Set 45: Southern Rock
This great new set features 20 brand new Styles based on the feels of the great Southern- Rock bands such as SteveE, Alab, LynrydS, AllmBro, Creedence, LosLob, LFeat, and more. Some Style titles include Lynyrd1, RoadHog1, TennRok1, SloPoke1, DeepFry1, Alabama1, LilFoot1, CreClear, KeepOn1, and more.
Alabama1 - Med-slow Southern Roc [ALABAMA1.STY]
Medium slow Southern Dixie Rock - even 16ths. 'A' sections: drums play simple kik/rim pattern. bass/acoustic guitar/piano play half note chords. 'B' sections: add snare/tambourine on 2&4/hi-hat 8ths. bass plays quarter notes. piano plays more active part with some fills. guitar plays more active part. add banjo (swing 16ths). T=60-100
Alabama2 - Med-Ev. 8ths Country [ALABAMA2.STY]
Medium Country - even 8ths. 'A' Sections are in "half time". e.bass/piano/drums (kick and sidestick)/12-stg guitar/ac.gtr. 'B' Sections are in "4". Violin melody. Clean Electric Guitar solo. T=125
CreClear - Med-Ev 8ths- swamp-ro [CRECLEAR.STY]
Basic swamp-rock, straight 8ths--medium tempo. clean electric guitar/bass/drums/el.piano. at 'b' sections add el.gtr 2/drums play busier, tambourine plays st.8ths. T=80-160
Deadjam1 - Slow psychedelic Rock [DEADJAM1.STY]
Slow psychedelic rock jam - even 16ths. 2 electric guitars, el.bass, drums (play side-stick and ride) and electric piano. at 'B' sections, drums play on snare, add tambourine. T=50-100
DeepFry1 - Slow Southern blues s [DEEPFRY1.STY]
Slow'n Greasy Southern Blues Shuffle - sw. 8ths. 'A' = bass/drums(brushes)/organ comp/el.guitar shots on the "and of 2". 'B' = louder and busier. T=55-100
Keep On1 - Basic Southern blues [KEEPON1.STY]
Basic blues rockin' "southern style". ev. 8ths. 'A' sections=just chunky rhythm guitar 8ths and drum kik/hh. 'B' sections=add pick bass/rock drum feel/tambourine/wurli el.piano and dist.el.guitar blues fills and shots. T=90-160
LilFoot1 - Funky Southern "Gumbo [LILFOOT1.STY]
Funky Southern "Gumbo" Rock - ev. 8ths. 'A' = Drums play New Orleans style snare and kik (w/tambourine) electric bass/Rock Organ. 'B' = more active drums and tamb. lower bass notes/add clavinet. T=100-180
LilFoot2 - Gospel Blues Southern [LILFOOT2.STY]
Gospel Blues Southern Funk/Rock ev. 8th feel. acoustic piano, el. bass, drums (snare on 4). at 'B' sections add rock organ and clean el.gtr comping - drums switch to 2 and 4 on the snare. T=70-130
LosLob1 - Funky Mexi-Rock Blues [LOSLOB1.STY]
Funky Mexi-Rock Blues feel. 'A' Sections: el.bass/drums/accordion/clean el.gtr comp. 'B' sections: add muted gtr and cowbell. T=120-180
Lynyrd1 - Bright southern stadiu [LYNYRD1.STY]
Bright southern stadium rock style, with eighth note "pushes" into each bar. Even 8ths. power drum kit, el.bass, ac.piano riffs, 2 el.gtrs. drums louder at 'b' sections, add cowbell. T=100-140
Lynyrd2 - Fast rockin' Southern [LYNYRD2.STY]
Fast rockin' Southern Style - ev. 8ths feel. dist.guitar and overdrive gtr. play aggressive 8ths, with "pushes" into each 2nd bar. el.bass. drums switch to snare "2&4"s and ride cymbal at 'b'. add rock organ at 'b' sections. T=120-160
Lynyrd3 - Classic Southern rock- [LYNYRD3.STY]
Classic Southern rock-jam! Ev. 16ths. features clean el. guitar, el.bass, piano, drums (sidestick). at 'B' sections drums switch to snare, add Overdrive Guitar comp, piano plays more, adds fills... T=55-110
Ramblin1 - Fast Southern Country [RAMBLIN1.STY]
Fast Country Rock, Southern Style. even 8ths. acoustic guitar, electric bass, drums, ac.piano. At 'B' sections drums play ride cymbal, add tambourine on '2 and 4'. add rock organ pads. T=130-200
Rider1 - Slow ev. 16ths Country [RIDER1.STY]
Slow country rock feel - even 16ths. acoustic guitar off beat eighths, el.bass, el.piano, drums HiHat and snare. at 'B' sections drums switch to ride cymbal, bass plays quarter notes. T=50-110
RoadHog1- Slow ev. 8ths hard roc [ROADHOG1.STY]
Slower hard rocker. ev. 8ths. 'a' sections=bass/power drums/clean electric guitar. 'b' sections= add rock organ fills/louder and busier drums/overdrive guitar figures/busier bass figures. T=70-110
Rollem1 - Fast Good Time Boogie [ROLLEM1.STY]
Fast Good Time Boogie Shuffle. Sw. 8ths. 'A' sections: el.bass, piano, drums (snare,kik), clean electric guitar comp. 'B' sections: add rock organ, drums switch to ride cymbal, add piano fills. T=120-220
Slopoke1 - Slow ev. 8ths Southe [SLOPOKE1.STY]
Slow heavy rock/country feel. ev. 8ths. electric bass, drums, piano, acoustic guitar strumming. add rock organ at 'b'. T=50-100
TennRok1 - Southern Country - 2 [TENNROK1.STY]
Boisterous good-times Southern Country-Rock with a "2 step feel". even 8ths. Brushes play 8th's. picked electric bass plays simple '2 step'. ac.guitar strums. organ pads and fills occasionally. At 'b' sections: add clean el. guitar fills. drums play louder, and add cowbell and shaker. T=120-180
TennRok2 - Slammin' Southern ro [TENNROK2.STY]
Acoustic Guitar-driven slammin' Southern rock style!. even 8ths. acoustic guitar, e.bass, drums at 'A' sections. add rock organ and clean el. guitar at 'B' sections. drums switch to ride cymbal, + play more aggressively. T=110-160
Zydeco1 - Bright ev. 8ths Cajun [ZYDECO1.STY]
Bright Cajun style. ev. 8ths. accordion, el. bass, drums (snare, kick), ac.guitar comp, clean el.gtr. at 'B' add tambourine, cowbell, acc. fills. T=120-220
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