MIDI Styles Set 49: Brit 80s Rock
For this Styles Set, we focused on some of the great grooves played by British groups of the 80s. With Styles Set 49, you'll get some great new feels as played by the 80's powergroups like DurDur, the Cops, Stingo, Tears, Culclub, YouTwo and many others. These Styles feature even 8ths, even 16ths, 12/8, swing 16ths, and swing 8th feels. You'll find some great new rhythms and arrangements-a wonderful addition to your existing Styles collection.
Avenues - High energy ev16s Rock [AVENUES.STY]
Ev16 80s Brit Rock w/5 instruments: - 12-str. Guitar (16ths strum), syn bass 39/1 (8ths), guitar 31/2, drums, Organ. More aggressive at 'b'. Examples: Where the Streets Have No Names, Hard Day's Night. T= 125
BritSw16 - Swing 16ths Reggae [BRITSW16.STY]
Brit 80s Rock, shuffle 16ths Reggae feel w/ backbeat. 5 instruments: - mt. guitar, nylon guitar, el. bass (short notes, spacey), drums, syn. strings. Examples: Hey Jude, Faith. T=95
Castaway - Fast even 8ths Rock [CASTAWAY.STY]
Brit 80s, fast even 8ths rock with eighth-note pushes into beat 3. 5 instruments: Syn Bass 1, Mid Tone Guitar (28/2) (arpeggios), drums, mt. guitar, Organ (pad). Examples: Message In A Bottle, Miserlou. T=150
Crowding -Brit 80s, ev.8ths [CROWDING.STY]
Ev.8 Reggae w/ backbeat feel at 'b'. No back beats at 'a'. 5 instruments: - mt guitar, ac. bass, drums, el. piano (pad), pad slow. Examples: Don't Stand So Close To Me, Any med. ev 8th tune, Ipenema. T= 140
CulClub1 -Brit 80s fast ev.8thsp [CULCLUB1.STY]
Fast ev.8ths Brit 80s Pop w/ pushes into 3rd beat. 5 instruments: Rock organ, mt. Guitar, Drums, Syn Bass 1, Slow Strings. Examples: Karma Chameleon, Don't Think Twice. T=195
DranDr2 -Brit 80s ev.16ths Rock [DRANDR2.STY]
Rhythm figure: downbeat, 16th push into 2nd beat, 8th note push into 3rd beat. 5 instruments: - el. piano (6/1), el. guitar 28/1, el. bass (34/1), power drums 17, Pad bell. Examples: Girls on Film, Josie. T= 135
DublinRk - Brit 80s ev.16 Rock [DUBLINRK.STY]
80s ev.16 Rock5 w/ instruments: Santur (arpeggios), frt. bass, el. p (sust. chords at 'a', off-beat comps at 'b'), Power Drums (17), sl. strings. Big back beat at 'b'. Examples: With or Without You, Yesterday. T =105
DurLatin - Brit 80s Rock [DURLATIN.STY]
Arpeggiated riff throughout. Busy bass with syncopated 16ths. Distortion guitar. Much bigger sound at 'b'. 5 instruments: Slap bass 1, Saw Wave 82/3, guit31/1, drums, Syn Brass 1. Examples: Rio, You Won't See Me. T=140
Evening- ev.16 Brit 80s Rock [EVENING.STY]
Slow, even 16ths Brit 80s Pop-Rock w/ 5 instruments: ac guitar (strum), frt. bass, Oohs, RapTr808 drums 26, Slow Strs. Examples: The Cryin' Game, We Are the World. T= 97
Everyone -Brit 80s ev.8ths Rock [EVERYONE.STY]
Brit Rock 80s - even 8ths w/ 5 instruments: SynBass1, Drums, Oohs, Lead 2b 82/2 - ostinato, Pizz Strings - arpeggios. BD in 4, & bass 8ths. B-beat & more intense at 'b'. Examples: Sweet Dreams, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. T=125
Favorable -Brit 80s Slow Ev.16 [FAVORABL.STY]
Slow, Folk-Pop w/ 5 instruments: - 12 str. guitar (arpeggios & 16th pushes), nyl. guitar (arpeggios), frt. bass, drums, & strings (quasi comps). Examples: Mad about You, Blowin' in the Wind. T= 87
Fields - Brit 80s Rock -ev.16 [FIELDS.STY]
Quiet ev.16ths Rock. Bigger at 'b'. BD on 4. Back beats etc. 5 instruments: - Mid-Tone Guitar - 28/2 (8ths arpeggios), el. bass, el. piano 6/1, strings, Pwr drums 17. Examples: I Still Haven't Found, Wannabe. T= 100
Gloria - Brit 80s Rock Shuffle [GLORIA.STY]
Med. bouncy Rock 12/8 triplet (swing) feel. 5 instruments: - el. piano, el. guitar 28/1, syn bass 1 (shuffle 8ths), drums (shaker triplets), strings 49/1 pads. Examples: Everybody Wants to Rule, Raindrops. T= 110
Golden -Slow ev.8 Brit 80s Rock [GOLDEN.STY]
Slow - ev. 8ths Brit 80s Rock ballad. 5 instruments: - harp (quiet 16th arpeggios), nylon guitar (8th arpeggios), frt. bass (pushes into 3), drums (quiet), slow Pad. Examples: Fields of Gold, Yesterday. T=105
HighFly -Brit 80s ev.16 Rock [HIGHFLY.STY]
Brit 80s rock ev16s w/ 5 instruments: frt. bass, drums, ov.drv guitar (power chords), Ocarina (ostinato -echo effect), strings. At 'b' - big back beat sound. Examples: Desert Rose, Shadow Hill. T=120
Letters -Brit 80s ev8 Reggae [LETTERS.STY]
Ev. 8ths Reggae w/ 5 instruments: strat, ov-drv guitar, SynBass, Drums, Organ. Strat chord chops - 4 to the bar. Heavy BD on 4. Rock groove at 'b'. Examples: Can't Stand Losing You, Hard Day's Night. T=142
Londoner -Brit 80s Rock & Jazz [LONDONER.STY]
2 feels - Rock ev.16ths at 'a', Jazz sw.16ths at 'b'. 5 instruments: - Pizz Str, ac. piano, drums, frt. bass, Poly Synth (pads). Examples: An Englishman In New York, Rock at 'a', Jazz at 'b' tunes. T=105
Nocturne - Brit 80s - ev.8 [NOCTURNE.STY]
Brit 80s - med. ev.8 with 5 instruments: - mt. guitar (staccato ostinato), frt. bass (staccato 8ths), slow strings (pads), Poly Synth, drums. Examples: Every Breath You Take, You've Got a Friend. T=115
Regae New -Brit 80s Pop Reggae [REGAENEW.STY]
Fast triplet - slight Reggae feel. 5 instruments: mt. guitar, strat (echo effect), frt. bass (spacey - Reggae feel), drums, Synth Strings at 'b'. Examples: Walking On The Moon, Babylon Sisters. T=142
Tender -Ev.16 Slow Brit 80s Rock [TENDER.STY]
Soft, slow, quiet, ev. 16ths Rock ballad. 5 instruments: - frt. bass, nylon guitar, harp, drums & percussion, Pad Warm (90). Drums - percussion with bass drum on '4'. Examples: Fragile, Hotel California. T=85
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