MIDI Styles Set 55: Modern Jazz
We've had lots of requests for Modern Jazz styles, and you'll find them right here. This set features Modern Jazz styles with a heavy emphasis on contemporary piano, bass and drum techniques. Styles with names like Afro2Sw1, Elvin1, FastLat3, FreeJz1, KeithBal, KeithFst, KeithMed, NewJazz1, Ralpht1, PatM_Lat, PatM34, PatMFast, WlzModal, MJazWz1, and many more are all included. Tempos range from slow Ballads to up-tempo, in 4/4 and 3/4 meters, in even 8th, Swing and Latin feels.
AfroToSwing1 - 12/8 Afro to Swin [AFRO2SW1.STY]
This jazz style switches from an African 12/8 feel to a medium 4/4 swing groove. It became popular in the 1960's and can be heard on many classic jazz albums from the 60's and 70's. 12/8 Afro Jazz to Swing 4/4 Medium tempo. "A" - Piano Comps, Bass and Drums play Afro 12/8 patterns. "B" - Rhythm Section plays 4/4 swing in a modern Post Bop style (Bass Walks).
Elvin1 - slow triplet based jazz [ELVIN1.STY]
This slow triplet based jazz style came about in the 1960's in New York. In the "A" sections the rhythm section plays in a "2" feel, then switches to an interactive walking style at the "B" sections. Medium slow 12/8 swing - Acoustic Bass, Piano modern voicings, Jazz Drums. "A" - HiHat, Bass in 2. "B" - full kit, bass walks.
Fast Latin3 - Ev.16th, 6/4 Latin [FASTLAT3.STY]
This style is played in 6/4 time, and features fast 16th note based cymbals and floating piano accompaniment. At the "B" sections add fretless bass. This style became popular in the 1970's by jazz musicians influenced by the music of South America. New Age style Fast 3/4 (6/4) Style (Straight 8ths)
Free Jazz 1 - Fast 'Free' Jazz [FREEJZ1.STY]
In the late 1950's and 1960's adventurous jazz artists would explore atonal jazz music. This led to a musical revolution called "free jazz", which generally left the constraints of harmony and form in pursuit of new sounds and interactive possibilities. This style provides you with an example of this type of sound played at a fairly brisk tempo, with lots of interactivity amongst the various instruments.
Keith Ballad - Piano trio balla [KEITHBAL.STY]
This style features a modern jazz ballad style played in a very meditative and ambient fashion. The drums play brushes, while the bass plays quite minimally. The piano left hand plays quarter note chords. At "B" sections the band switches to a 'double-time feel'. Sensitive Jazz Ballad Piano Trio with double time 'B' section. "A" = LH comps gentle quarter note chords, bass plays simply, gentle.
Keith Fast - Modern Jazz piano t [KEITHFST.STY]
This fast modern jazz style features a piano trio setting. During the "A" sections the drums and the bass play in an interactive "2" feel The piano part plays left hand accompaniment. At "B" the drums switch to a more active feel and the bass walks. The left hand piano plays more syncopated comping parts. Fast Modern Jazz Trio style with acoustic Bass, Drums, Left Hand Piano comping. "A" sections in 2. "B" sections walk.
Keith Medium - 4/4 modern jazz t [KEITHMED.STY]
This 4/4 modern jazz trio style features the drums playing brushes at the "A" sections while the bass plays in a broken '2' feelectric The left hand Piano parts play very minimal 'shells' of the harmony. At the "B" sections the drums switch to sticks, and the bass walks, while the left hand piano parts comp with more syncopation. Medium tempo swing Piano Trio, modern style. Brushes, Acoustic bass, LH Piano "Shells" in a "2 Feel."
Keith Trio - modern 4/4 jazz tri [KEITHTRI.STY]
This is a modern 4/4 jazz style in a piano trio setting with lots of interactivity, exciting rhythms, and use of "over the barline" phrases. The drums play brushes at "A", then switch to sticks at "B". The bass plays in a broken '2' style at "A" then walks at "B". The Piano plays LH accompaniment only. "A" - Bass in '2', LH comp, brushes. "B" - Bass walks, drums switch to sticks, LH comps with more syncopation.
Modern Jazz Waltz 1 - 3/4 modern [MJAZWZ1.STY]
This jazz waltz style features a modern approach to playing jazz in 3/4 time. One of the hallmarks of modern jazz playing is the 'breaking up' of rhythms, which the bass and drums do a fair amount of in this style. During the "A" sections the bass plays fairly minimally, with some interactive phrases. The drums play brushes and the piano comps. At "B" the drums switch to sticks to give this section a 'lift', while the bass walks. Modern Jazz 3/4 Medium tempo.
New Jazz 1 - medium 4/4 swing [NEWJAZZ1.STY]
During the 1960's modern jazz artists began devising new ways to combine instruments to create a fresh new sound in jazz. Many of these unlikely combinations appeared in background music for film and television. This style gives an example of this blending of new sounds, such as vibes, marimba, clarinet, etc..played in a loping, slightly strange jazz shuffle. Slightly strange medium 4/4 swing jazz with a bit of avante-garde.
Oreg 1 - 12/8 ambient World Beat [OREG1.STY]
In the 1970's, jazz musicians would often explore music techniques from all around the world, blending them with classical and new age influences to create unique musical blends. This 12/8 style features bass and hand drums played in a "tabla" style. 12/8 World Beat ambient.
Oreg Slow - slow new age world-b [OREGSLOW.STY]
This slow world-beat jazz style also has some new age influences, and features tabla drumming, "floating" piano parts, and minimal bass parts. Slow ambient world beat jazz.
Pat 3/4 Ballad - country-pop jaz [PAT34BAL.STY]
This new age jazz style demontrates a very gentle way to approach a 3/4 ballad with just a touch of country-pop. The drums play a slow straight 8th note accomaniment on snare using brushes, while the fretless bass plays very minimally. The harmony is provided by a warm synth pad sound. At "B" piano enters, providing some gentle comping. Bird tweets are on the guitar track! Very gentle waltz -ambient 3/4. T=40-70
PatM Latin - Energetic Latin Jaz [PATM_LAT.STY]
Moody, energetic Latin-based style w/ Ac. Bass (off-beat bass lines), Piano (Latin comp), Pads, Drums (quick ride cymbal). At 'b', more active drums. T=80-160
PatM 1 - moody Latin based jazz [PATM1.STY]
This Latin based jazz style is fairly moody and ambient. It features repetitive drums, bass and percussion with warm pads providing the harmonic accomaniment. A guiro is added at "B" sections.
PatM 2 - ambient Latin [PATM2.STY]
This 4/4 Latin based style is very ambient with world beat textures. The main rhythmic component at the "A" sections is the shaker part, played as a berimbau part The bass plays very minimally, as does the piano and pads. Drums enter at "B" while the bass plays a samba pattern, giving the section a lift.
Pat M 3/4 - 3/4 (6/4) Ev.8 Jazz [PATM34.STY]
This 3/4-time Brazilian influenced New Age Jazz style became popular in the 70's among modern jazz musicians, and features driving cymbal work, piano, synth pads, fretless bass.
PatM Fast - ev.8 Modern jazz [PATMFAST.STY]
This style of music emerged in the 1970's as modern jazz musicians became interested in the blending of Latin American music, rock music and jazz. The drums are interactive, especially on the cymbals, while the piano plays an almost rock-type of accompaniment. Modern fast straight 8th jazz.
PatM Slow - new-age, country jaz [PATMSLOW.STY]
This style is a very gentle 4/4 ballad with a new-age country influence. Drums stick to a basic straight 8th pattern on brushes and kick drum. The bass plays a very simple pattern, and piano and pad provide harmonic accompaniment.
RalphT 1 - Fast ev.16 new age ja [RALPHT1.STY]
This modern new age jazz style features fast acoustic guitar strumming and bright ride cymbal work. This style originated in the 1970's when young jazz musicians became interested in the blending of music forms from around the world. Modern new-age jazz.
Waltz Modal - slow Modal jazz 3/ [WLZMODAL.STY]
During the 1960's jazz musicians began to experiment with modal jazz, and often began employing 'impressionism' into their compositions and their approach to playing in general. This style provides an example of this approach with this moody slow jazz waltz.
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