MIDI Styles Set 58: Requested 5
This set features 20 great styles that have been suggested by you, our Band-in-a-Box users. This set covers many genres with feels like Blues, Pop, Rockabilly, Rock Ballad, Ska, Western Swing, Jump Blues, Classical Guitar, and more. Included are styles with names like BurtB, RayChar1, Recuerdo, DocWat2, EltonBal, Ramone5, DonWil2, Maytal5, and many more.
Be_53s_1 - Med. ev8 Blues Rock [BE_53S_1.STY]
This is a bluesy sounding style with lots of driving drums (with backbeat), riff-based slap bass, high electric guitar shots, and organ pad. T = 135
BluesStr - Bluesy Jazz w/ String [BLUESSTR.STY]
Use this style if you'd like a more 'elegant' Blues sound. The use of quiet brushes throughout, the sparse piano comping, along with the 3-string rhythm guitar and the rich string section at 'b' adds a sophisticated mood.
BurtBac1 - Even 8ths Pop-Rock [BURTBAC1.STY]
This is a light rock style with a bright and breezy sunny California feel. Guitar strumming, simple repetitive bass figure and piano comp and fills.
DocWat2 - Sw.8 Folk-Country [DOCWAT2.STY]
This is an up-tempo 2-beat swing style that features a Travis finger picking acoustic guitar approach. Finger style acoustic Guitar, acoustic bass & brushes. At 'b', add mandolin on 2 & 4 and standard drums. T = 200
DonWill - 4/4 Funky Country Rock [DONWILL.STY]
This is a '4 to the bar' style, with the bass drum and bass emphasizing each quarter note. The muted guitar repeated bass figure adds some zip the bass sound. At 'b', the muted guitar changes to a strat guitar playing low fills.
EddieCon - 40s Swing Group [EDDIECON.STY]
This swing style features a swing group built around the rock steady '4-to-the- bar' rhythm guitar as played on a 4-string ac. guitar (tuned in 5ths). Guitarists like Freddy Green and Eddie Condon were well-known exponents of rhythm guitar. The 4-string guitar fret board display uses the banjo display (as they are both tuned in 5ths) but the sound is Nylon guitar.
EltonPno - Ev.8 Rock Piano Accom [ELTONPNO.STY]
This style features bright acoustic piano even 8ths accompaniment with fretless bass and slow strings. At 'b', the drums and acoustic guitar join in. This style is ideal for any even 8th tune. Note: a tempo of 120 with even 8ths can feel like a very slow tempo of 60 with even 16ths. So if you are using this style on a very slow ballad with a desired feel of Tempo = 60, even 16ths, you should choose a tempo of 120 using this style.
Funkafy - Slow, sw.16 Bluesy Fun [FUNKAFY.STY]
This style features slap bass in a funky swing 16th groove. This rhythm is based on a 'six over one' feel - where each beat is subdivided into 6 divisions. In the 'a section, the drums use the sound of sticks as a subtle backbeat. The sound of the almighty Power Drums snare enters at 'b'.
Held Bossa - Bossa style w/ Sust [HELDBOSA.STY]
In this style, all 5 instruments play full-duration chords except the drums. This style is great for practicing and studying harmony or soloing using a Bossa feel (or even 8 feel) over chord progressions.
Lazy_Riv - 2-beat sw.8 Rhythm Gu [LAZY_RIV.STY]
This style features light '4-to-the-bar' nylon guitar rhythm, soft brushes and bass in 2 in the 'a' section. At 'b' the acoustic piano joins in with a 2-beat comp and fills, the brushes change to standard drums and the bass is in 4.
LstDogs1 - Med-slow ev8 Pop-Folk [LSTDOGS1.STY]
This is a very simple style ala LDogs with a peaceful even 8ths strumming feel. The bass play half notes throughout - with pickups every 2nd bar. Easy drums with not many fills. Mandolin plays arpeggios and ac guitar strums. 2-part vocal background oohs at 'a'. 3-part background oohs at 'b'.
Mission1 - 5/4 meter Pop Rock [MISSION1.STY]
This is an exciting action-type of style in even 8th, 5/4 meter - there are 5 quarter notes in each bar.
NylGit44 - Nyl. Guitar 4/4 accom [NYLGIT44.STY]
This style features solo guitar accompaniment at 'a'. The guitar plays a classical type of accompaniment - combining 8th note arpeggios with a high string 16th note tremolo technique. It's very effective for backing up instrumentalists or singers. At 'a - solo guitar accompaniment, 16th-note plucked tremolo with 8th note (thumb) arpeggios.
Ramones1 - Fast Ev8 Punk-Grunge [RAMONES1.STY]
This is a Punk-Rock, Grunge style (4/4 even 8ths) featuring distorted and overdrive guitars playing power chords. The electric bass plays repeated 8th notes and the power drums play loud. Bass plays constant 8th notes.
RayChar1 - 60s ev.8th Funk Blues [RAYCHAR1.STY]
This fast even 8th Rock blues features the ' 60s electric piano 5/3 ' sound, playing funky comps and fills. The electric bass plays a repeated blues bass pattern. The strat guitar plays high short chords (chicks). The brass section joins in at 'b' with short chord shots. Since this is a Blues style, Band-in-a-Box treats a C as a C7.
Recuerdo - 3/4 solo Nyl. guit-ac [RECUERDO.STY]
This style features a solo classical (nylon) guitar playing 8th-note thumb arpeggios along with high 16th-note finger tremolo. This 3/4 classical guitar technique is very effective as accompaniment for a vocal or instrumental. At 'b', ac. bass, strings and slow strings are added. There are no drums in this style.
RegaeSka - Sw.8 Bluesy Reggae-Sk [REGAESKA.STY]
This is a simple, uncluttered, Reggae-Ska style featuring loose comping by the strat and jazz guitar. The muted guitar plays a rhythmic ostinato throughout.
RokBily1 - Ev.16 Rockabilly styl [ROKBILY1.STY]
This Rockabilly style features a banjo (playing finger style even 16th arpeggios), acoustic guitar strumming, acoustic bass (simple root and 5), and no drums at 'a'. At 'b', add drums (light brushes) and jazz guitar (sustained 8th note arpeggios).
Sw44Held - Sw.8 - sustained inst [SW44HELD.STY]
In this style, all of the 5 instruments except the drums play sustained chords. You can use this style to practice playing over chord progressions - especially unusual ones. You get to hear the chord sustain for the full duration of the chord.
TJoad - Ev.16 Folk guitar strum [TJOAD.STY]
This style features solo acoustic guitar and light cowbell only at 'a'. The solo acoustic guitar plays in Folk strum style with lazy, relaxed even 16ths strumming ala BruceS, NeilY etc. As part of the solo guitar sound, the bass note is doubled by an additional acoustic guitar. In the 'b' section, add brushes, 12-sting guitar, and slow strings.
VanGel1 - MOR Pop with ev.16th f [VANGEL1.STY]
This is an even 16th, synth-based MOR (Middle-of-the-Road) Pop accompaniment style. It has an up-lifting grandiose sound and feel.
3/4 Swing - 3/4 Sustained Chords [34SWSUST.STY]
In this style, all 5 instruments except the drums play sustained chords. This is a great way to practice 3/4 meter over chord progressions - especially unusual ones. You get to hear the chord sustain for the full duration of the chord.
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