MIDI Styles Set 59: Ballroom Dancing
A great new collection of 20 Ballroom Dancing styles, specifically designed with Dance style tempos and grooves in mind-with styles like: ASTAIRE1.STY, CHAGUIRO.STY, FOXTROT1.STY, JIVE4.STY, LINDY1.STY, QWIKSTEP.STY, SAMB7.STY, TANGO7.STY, TEX2STEP.STY, TNGOSOFT.STY, and many more.
Astaire1 - Foxtrot swing dance [ASTAIRE1.STY]
Medium tempo Foxtrot with a bouncy Swing dance feel. 5 instruments: Pizzicato strings, muted guitar, slow strings, ac bass, drums (brushes). Tempo = 116
ChaGuiro - Cha Cha with guiro [CHAGUIRO.STY]
Ev.8 Cuban-Latin Cha Cha dance style w/Latin percussion. 5 Instruments: - acoustic piano, acoustic bass, drums, nylon guitar, cello pad (strings). Instrument changes at 'b'. Tempo = 124
East Coast Groove - funky boogal [ECST_GRV.STY]
Funky Boogaloo rhythm with an East-Coast flavor. 5 instruments: (changes at 'b'): Rock Organ, Mid Tone Guitar (28/2), Syn Bass 1, Drums (brushes at 'a') & Bari Sax. Tempo = 118
FoxTrot1 - easy swing Foxtrot da [FOXTROT1.STY]
Easy medium Swing 8ths Foxtrot dance style with 5 instruments: acoustic piano, acoustic guitar, acoustic bass, drums (brushes), sax section. Instrument changes at 'b'. Tempo = 116
GuitarCha - Ev.8, Med-slow Cha C [GUITCHA.STY]
Ev.8, med slow, spacey-cool Cha Cha featuring the guitar. 5 instruments: Acoustic bass, muted guitar, acoustic guitar (2-note tri-tone comp), drums, slow strings. Instrument changes at 'b'. Tempo = 115
Jive4 - Spirited up-tempo swing [JIVE4.STY]
Spirited up-tempo Jive Swing style with 5 instruments (with changes at 'b'): Bari Sax, clean guitar (28/1), drums, finger bass (34), acoustic pianos. Tempo = 178
Lindy1 - Lindy Hop up-tempo swin [LINDY1.STY]
This up-tempo Swing style begins with acoustic piano (boogie) & drums only at 'a'. At 'b' - acoustic bass (in 4), acoustic piano, el. guitar (28/1), drums & Brass. Tempo = 200
Mambo7 - Ev.8 Latin Mambo dance [MAMBO7.STY]
Cuban Mambo w/ even 8ths feel. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): acoustic piano, acoustic bass, nylon guitar, drums, brass. Tempo = 210
PasoDob2- Flamenco Paso Doble [PASODOB2.STY]
Flamenco-influenced Paso Doble dance with even 8ths feel. 5 instruments (with changes at 'b'): Nyl. guitar, Synth bass 40/1, brushes, castanets, slow strings. T= 120
QwikStep - Up-tempo swing dance [QWIKSTEP.STY]
Basically a fast Foxtrot, the Quickstep features an up-tempo Swing feel. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): acoustic piano, Jazz guitar, acoustic bass, muted guitar, brushes. Tempo = 160
RumbaBol - Rumba with Bolero fla [RUMBABOL.STY]
Latin Rumba dance style with a hint of Bolero. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): acoustic piano, nylon guitar, acoustic bass, drums, poly synth. Tempo = 95
Samba7 - Latin Samba dance style [SAMBA7.STY]
Slow tempo Samba with double time feel. 5 instruments (with changes at 'b'): acoustic piano, nylon guitar, syn. bass, drums, brass (fills). Tempo = 98
SambaFst - Fast cut-time Samba [SAMBAFST.STY]
Fast cut-time Samba dance style w/ 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): acoustic piano, syn bass, muted guitar, drums & poly synth. Tempo = 200
SambaGit - Smooth cut-time Samba [SAMBAGIT.STY]
Smooth cut-time Samba feel featuring 2 strumming guitars. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): nylon guitar, acoustic guitar, electric piano, fretless bass, brushes. Tempo = 218
Tango7 - Tango dance style [TANGO7.STY]
Ev.8 dramatic Tango dance style with 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): accordion, acoustic bass, drums, nylon guitar, slow strings. Tempo = 125
Tex2Step - Texas 2-Step Country [TEX2STEP.STY]
Texas 2-Step Country dance w/ even 8ths slightly swung. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): electric bass, drums (brushes at 'a'), acoustic guitar, muted guitar, fiddle fills. Tempo = 160
TangoSoft - Soft Tango dance [TNGOSOFT.STY]
Soft Tango dance style with even 8ths feel. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): accordion, acoustic bass, drums (brushes at 'a'), pizzicato strings, nylon guitar. Tempo = 128
WelkPolka - Polka dance style [WELKPLKA.STY]
Typical even 8ths slightly swung Polka w/strong '1 and 3' feel & backbeat on '2 and 4'. 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): accordion, acoustic piano, acoustic bass, brushes, and acoustic guitar. Tempo = 215
WaltzSoft - Slow smooth Waltz (3 [WLZSOFT.STY]
Slow smooth Waltz (3/4 meter). 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): acoustic piano, acoustic bass, nylon guitar, brushes, strings. Tempo = 95
WlzViena - Fast 3/4 Viennese wal [WLZVIENA.STY]
Fast Viennese Waltz style w/ 5 instruments (changes at 'b'): harp, acoustic bass, nylon guitar, brushes, and slow strings. At 'b': standard drums, and fuller strings. Tempo = 180
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