MIDI Styles Set 64: Extreme Tempos
Need styles that sound great at extremely fast or slow tempos? Here's the answer: 20 Band-in-a-Box styles for the low and high ends of the tempo spectrum such as Bosa_60, JBal_45, Bop_350, JWlz_60, and Jaz_250. These styles are specifically crafted to provide ideal accompaniment for very slow or very fast tempos.
Bop at T=300 - Fast Be-Bop [BOP_300.STY]
Bop 300 Style: Extremely fast Be-Bop, based on the rhythm section styles of CharlieP, DizzyG, and SonnyR. This style features Acoustic Piano comping, Acoustic String Bass, and Jazz Drums (sticks). At "A" the rhythm section plays in a "2" feel, then switches to a "4" feel at "B", where the Bass walks, and the over-all intensity increases. At "B" congas are also added. T=250-400
Bossa at T=250 - Fast Bossa [BOS_250.STY]
Bossa 250 Style: Bright Latin-Jazz Samba Style. Features Brushes on the Drumkit, Acoustic Bass, Nylon Guitar comping, and simple Piano comping. At "B" the drums switch to sticks, and Strings are added, providing a simple single note background. T=200-320
Bossa at T=45 - Slow Bossa [BOSA_45.STY]
Bossa 45 Style: Very slow, gentle Bossa style. At "A" this style features Acoustic Bass, Piano and Drum kit (playing brushes and side-stick) with a low single-note string line. At "B" the drums switch to sticks, and the string section plays a chordal pad. The Piano plays a bit more actively at "B" and Flutes are also added to enhance the over-all sound. T=30-70
Bossa at T=60 - Slow Bossa [BOSA_60.STY]
Bossa 60 Style: Very slow, gentle and languid Bossa Nova style. At 'A' sections this style features Acoustic Bass, Drum kit with Brushes, a single-note soft string line, Nylon String Bossa Guitar comping and jazzy piano comping with the occasional fill. In the 'B' section, the strings play full chordal 'pads', and the drums switch to a ride cymbal. Also percussion (congas and cabasa) is added. The Bass and Piano play slightly more syncopated. T=45-75
Funk at T=150 - Fast Ev.16 Funk [FNK_150.STY]
Fast even 16th-based jazz-funk groove, in the style of JamesB and TowerOP. This style features 5 instruments at the "A" sections: Clavinet, Muted Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, and Drum Kit. At "B" the whole band plays busier patterns, and Brass parts are added. Hand-Claps and Tambourine are also added at "B". T=100-175
Funk at T=300 - Fast Ev.8 Funk [FNK_300.STY]
Funk 300 Style: Very fast even 8th-based jazz-funk groove, in the style of JamesB and TowerOP. This style features 5 instruments at the "A" sections: Clavinet, Muted Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, and Drum Kit. At "B" the whole band plays busier patterns, and Brass parts are added. Hand-Claps and Tambourine are also added at "B". T=200-350
Funk at T=70 - Slow Funk [FNK_70.STY]
Slow and Groovy Funk-Soul style, based on the rhythm grooves of Aretha and StevieW. This style features piano, drums, synth bass and sparse muted electric guitar at "A". At the "B" sections, the guitar switches to clav, and the piano plays 8th notes. The drums move from a hi-hat based part to the ride cymbal, and bass plays a more active part. Also added are voice 'oohs' which provide some sparse background parts. T=55-100
Fusion at T=250 - Fast Fusion [FUS_250.STY]
Fast funk jazz-fusion style, based on the rhythm feels of groups like WeatherR, and HerbieH. At the "A" sections, this style features 4 instruments: Electric Piano, Drum Kit, Electric Bass, with Square Wave Lead providing simple background lines. At "B" the drum intensity increases, and Synth Strings 2 are added as a high chordal pad. T=180-300
Jazz at T=250 - Fast Jazz [JAZ_250.STY]
Classic fast jazz style, based on the music stylings of groups like WesG and DexterG. This style features a 3 piece jazz rhythm section: Piano, Acoustic Bass, and Jazz Drums (Sticks). At "A" the drums stick to the hi-hats, while the bass and piano play in a '2' feel. At "B" the bass walks, and the drums switch to ride-cymbal, with snare and kick fills. The Piano at "B" plays with a bit more intensity. T=200-300
Jazz at T=60 - Slow Jazz [JAZ_60.STY]
Slow, cool jazz style, based on the rhythm feels of groups like DianaK, LesterY and CountB. This style features 4 instruments: acoustic bass, jazz drums (sticks), piano, and nylon guitar (strumming 4 beats to a bar). At "A" the band plays in a '2' feel, with the drums on the hi-hats, and the piano playing high jazz chords in a sparse manner. At "B" the drums switch to the ride cymbal and the bass walks. The piano at "B" comps in the middle register, and the guitar continues to strum. T=45-80
Jazz Ballad at T=45 - Slow Balla [JBAL_45.STY]
Jazz Ballad 45 Style: Very Slow Jazz Ballad Style in 4/4, in the style of MilesD and ShirleyH. Features jazz brushes playing on the snare, with the hi-hats on 2 & 4. The Acoustic Bass plays in 2 at the "A" sections, then walks at "B". The Piano plays quiet jazz voicings and the occasional fill. At "B" vibes and strings enter with a simple accompaniment that adds to the lushness of the sound. T=35-80
Jazz Brushes at T=300 - Fast Swi [JBR_300.STY]
Fast Swing Style, in the style of groups like BennyG, LesterY and others. Features Jazz Brushes, Acoustic bass in a '2' feel, Nylon Guitar comping 4 beats to a bar (accenting 2 and 4), and some sparse light piano chording. At the "B" sections the Bass walks, and the Piano comps using more full chords in a lower register. The drums and guitar also play a bit stronger at "B". T=250-400
Jazz Waltz at T=60 - Slow 3/4 [JWLZ_60.STY]
Slow pop waltz style. This style features piano, acoustic bass, gentle brushes on the drum-kit, and strings playing a lush and elegant accompaniment in 3/4 time. T=45-80
Jazz Waltz at T=300 - Fast 3/4 [JWZ_300.STY]
Very Fast Jazz Waltz style. This style features Piano, Acoustic Bass and Jazz Brushes at "A". At "B" the drums switch to sticks and the bass plays a more active part. Also at "B" strings enter with a smooth chordal pad. T=230-350
Jazz Ev.8 at T=290 - Fast Jazz [JZ8_290.STY]
Fast 8th note jazz. This style features fast acoustic guitar strumming, drums playing mostly ride cymbal, fretless bass, and warm pad. At "B" the intensity increases and SynBrass2 is added, providing single note lines. The drums play 2 and 4 on the snare at "B". T=240-350
Pop Ballad at T=60 - Slow Ev.16 [PBAL_60.STY]
This Pop-Rock Ballad style is based on the groove styles of singer/songwriters such as SarahM, PaulMc and ChantalK. The style is based on 16th notes, and features simple piano chords playing 4 beats to the bar. The Acoustic Bass part is simple and follows the basic kick drum pattern. In the "A" sections, there is a Warm Pad and SynthString1 part. At "B" the Warm Pad switches to Clean Electric Guitar playing a simple ostinato 8th note arpeggio part, and Synth Strings changes to Pad-Voice, playing a simple triad harmony background. The Drums switch to ride cymbal at "B" and the Piano plays a bit louder. T=50-80
Pop Waltz at T=60 - Slow 3/4 [PWLZ_60.STY]
This is a slow and elegant pop waltz style. This style features piano, electric bass, strings, acoustic guitar quarter-note strumming and strings at "A". At "B" the guitar plays 8th's and the drums switch to sticks. T=45-80
Reggae at T=60 - Sw.16 Reggae [REG_60.STY]
This slow, loping reggae style gets a groove not unlike those heard in the music of groups like BobM, BurningS and LincolnT. This style features off-beats on the muted electric guitar, classic reggae drumming, electric bass, and very simple piano chords. At "B" rock organ is added, playing a few simple fills. T=45-90
Rock at T=200 - Fast R&B [ROK_200.STY]
Very fast rockin' rhythm and blues style. This style features bright piano, picked electric bass, drums (playing hi-hats/kick and snare), muted guitar and organ pads at "A". At "B" the muted guitar switches to overdrive guitar playing long power chords, and the organ switches to brass. T=160-280
Shuffle at T=185 - Fast Shuffle [SHF_185.STY]
Very Fast Rock Shuffle, in the style of groups like VanH, ZZT and StevieR. Features active drumming, with lots of off-beat snare rhythms. The Electric Bass, Rock Organ and Electric Muted Guitar provide simple shuffle rhythms at "A", then at "B" the Bass, Drums and Organ crank it up, playing more active parts, while the muted guitar changes to a Piano sound, with lots of fills and classic shuffle comping. T=140-220
12/8 at T=45 - Slow 12/8 Jazz [128_45.STY]
12/8 45 Style: Very slow 12/8 jazz soul ballad style, in the style of RayC and DrJ. At "A" features Acoustic Bass, Jazz Brushes, and quiet gospel influenced Acoustic Piano. At "B" the Drums switch to sticks, Muted Electric Guitar plays short, crisp chords on beats 2 and 4, and Choir Aahs are added. At "B" the piano plays arpeggiated 8th's. T=35-80
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