Ambiention - Techno [TEKAMBI.STY]
This is a swing 16th, slow Techno style featuring Rap TR808 Drums 26 with frequent swing 16th pickups, sustained Synth bass 39/16, electric guitar 28/8, playing a chordal comp with a repeated rhythm pattern, and quiet SciFi pad 104. The Pad-Sweep plays a soft background pad throughout. Tempo = 94
Beatmatched - Techno [TEKBEAT.STY]
This style has a recurring rhythm pattern in each 4 bar phrase; the first 2 bars are generally busy, the 3rd and 4th bars are more spacey. The TR808 Rap Drums play frequent 16th note pickups and fills, the Lead 5a (wire lead), Lead 1a (square 2) and Pad 2a (sine pad) play pads. At B, the energy and volumes are increased.
Bohnhammer - Techno [TEKBOHN.STY]
Even 16th, meduim-tempo Techno. This Techno style features a basic Rock feel. The Syn Bass 1 plays repeated eighth-notes, the TR808 drums lay down a typical Rock groove with back-beat and 16th-note HiHat rhythms. The Electric Piano 2 plays a single note ostinato throughout and the Pad-Poly Synth provides a mid-range pad. At B, Kalimba is added, the bass has more rhythmical variations and the overall intensity is increased.
Crafteknologikal - Techno [TEKCRAF.STY]
Medium-slow even 8th Techno with a subdued feel. This is a peaceful non-exuberant Techno style. The Slap Bass 1 and Pad-Sweep play a sustained pad sound. The Sitar plays un-busy arpeggios and the Syn Bass 2 and TR808 RapDrums play a light Rock feel.
Danceparty - Techno [TEKDANCE.STY]
The Syn Bass 2 plays repeated 8th notes, the TR808 MIDI drums feature shaker and tambourine to add a crisp sound, the Koto plays a five-note figure with a quasi echo effect and a decrescendo. The Pad-Sweep and Distorted Rock Guitar provide a pad. At B, the Distorted Rock Guitar changes to Lead 1b (sine) and plays a repeated obligato.
Electroclash - Techno [TEKELEC.STY]
Even 16, up-tempo Techno. The A section features a lush pad sound (39/8 Synth Bass, 96 Pad-Sweep, 89 Pad-Bell), in contrast to a busy 16th-based TR808 Rap Drum sound. The bass is sustained and unbusy at A, and more rhythmical at B. At B, more overall intensity and the Pad-Bell changes to an Atmosphere obligato.
GrimeUK - Techno [TEKGRIME.STY]
Medium-up-tempo Techno. This lively even 8th Techno style features a syncopated repeated-note syn Bass, Rap TR808 Drums with frequent snare shots, hand claps and fills. At B, add Lead 1b (sine), Saw Wave Lead and Pizzicato Strings (all playing arpeggio ostinato figures).
Harpsong - Techno [TEKHARP.STY]
Slow, soft, even 16th Techno style with Atmosphere 8th note quasi-random obligato, TR808 drums, Syn Bass2 (short spacey), and Ice Rain pads. In this demo, the Koto is used for the melody.
Intellidance - Techno [TEKIDM.STY]
Up-tempo Techno with high-energy even 16th drums. The TR808 Rap Drums create an excited feel in this techno style with lots of soft 16th feel playing. The Syn Bass 2 plays short repeated 8th notes throughout with the Electric Piano 2, Lead 2a and Pad-Poly Synth essentially providing a pad. At B, the drums play a heavier back beat, the range of the pads increases as does the volume and intensity.
Independent - Techno [TEKINDY.STY]
Slow even 16 Techno style. This techno style features a distinctive one-bar rhythm pattern throughout; dotted 8th, dotted 8th, dotted 8th, dotted 8th. The TR808 Rap Drums smooth this rhythm out a bit by playing an open HiHat on the off-beat 8ths. The demo uses conventional IV, V, I, progressions, although a more mono-tonal sound and feel can be acheived by using a sparser chord progression. At B, the intensity increases and Choir Aahs are added.
Junglebass - Techno [TEKJUNGL.STY]
Even 16th (slightly swung) Techno. This Techno style features mysterious background sounds (provided by the Crystal and Sound Track instruments) over a Rock feel with a big backbeat.
LCDSound - Techno [TEKLCD.STY]
Swing 16 Techno with a high energy feel. The Bass plays a short-note syncopated pattern, the drums feature High Q and shaker 16ths. The Shamisen plays an answer rhythm. At B, add 60's Electric Piano (quiet chords) and Pad-Sweep and more intensity.
Quikness - Techno [TEKQUIK.STY]
Fast and busy Even 16 Techno. Up-tempo Techno Dance with 1 Square Wave Lead 8th note arpeggios and Pizzicato Strings syncopated intervals. The Syn Bass 1 plays off-beat 8th notes and the muted guitar plays a repeated rhythmic figure throughout. More intense at B.
Radioplay - Techno [TEKRADIO.STY]
This medium-slow Techno style features electric guitars playing single string arpeggios in the low range. The MIDI drums play a fairly typical even 8th Rock beat. At B, the volume and intensity are increased and the SynthStrings 3 pad is added.
Ravenation - Techno [TEKRAVE.STY]
Even 16th medium-tempo Techno style. The Syn Bass 1 plays short repeated quarter notes, The TR808 drums play kick-drum quarters with 16th note activity in the second half of each bar. The (Piano) Saw Wave Lead plays a repeated obligato which is answered by the (Guitar) Lead 5a (wire lead). The (Strings) Scratch plays a short series of 16th notes for an effect.
Sambasonic - Techno [TEKSAMB.STY]
Even 16th Techno with a hint of Disco and Samba. At A, the TR808 drums play a 2-bar rhythm pattern with the snare playing 16th pickups to the bass drum. At B, the drums feature a crash on 2 & 4 with the bongos playing a quasi Samba rhythm. The Electric Piano 2, 60s Strings and the Electric Piano 2 provide a pad throughout.
Soundofsilver - Techno [TEKSIL.STY]
Medium-slow even 16 Techno. The TR808 Rap Drums play a 16th note feel that features snare drum and crash cymbal interplay. The Syn Bass 2 plays repeated quarter-notes throughout. The Electric Piano 2 plays off-beat 8th chords, and the Muted Electric Guitar plays a repeated rhythmical figure. At B, add PadPoly Synth.
Slimcut - Techno style [TEKSLIM.STY]
Sw16 Techno style w/ distinct 1-bar rhythm pat. throughout, emphasized by Scratch-pull drum.
Slowandlow - Techno [TEKSLOW.STY]
Sophisticated, slow, 90
Wildnout - Techcno [TEKWILD.STY]
Sw16 Techno w/ 5 insts. At A, SynBass & Drums play freq. 16th pickups, giving a feeling of momentum. At B, >intensity and more syncpated comping from the Pian & Guit.
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