MIDI Styles Set 72: Pop Frets
This set was made with the assistance and input of guitarist Marty Cutler, features a collection of 20 realistic guitar-related Pop styles. For these Styles, all of the fretted instruments - guitar, mandolin and banjo - were input into the StyleMaker using a MIDI controller for those instruments, resulting in authentic and idiomatic playing approaches.
Blues Hop - Swing 16 style [BLUESHOP.STY]
Slow Blues with a Swing 16th (HipHop) feel. As this is a blues-based Style, a C chord is treated as a C or C7 chord. Rootsy, riff-based Blues guitar with a Hip-Hop swing feel.
Brit Folk - Even 16 style [BRITFOLK.STY]
Lightly swung British Folk Rock with strummed acoustic Guitar and Clean Electric Guitar at A. The Clean Electric Guitar plays fills at A, becomes sparse rhythm at B. At B, the feel is busier and more intense.
Byrdlyke - Even 8 Bluegrass styl [BYRDLYKE.STY]
Inspired by the multi-layered, textured guitar work of guitarists like RogerMcg etc. Arpeggiated 12-string guitar, pick bass, and rhythm acoustic guitar with light percussion at A. Slow String pad throughout. Full Drums with backbeat and percussion kick in at B.
Claudio - Even 16th Pop style [CLAUDIO.STY]
Even 16th Latin Pop style. You can hear this Latin-influenced style echoed in tunes by PaulS, Allmans and others. Acoustic Guitar plays full-chord rhytms, while clean Electric Guitar complements rhythms at B. Finger Bass plays simpler, syncopated lines in A, then moves into busier territory at B. Latin Percussion keeps things grooving.
Down Temp - Bluegrass style [DOWNTEMP.STY]
Very slow, slightly swung even 16th Bluegrass Downtempo style
Ethno Pop - 6/8 Bluegrass style [ETHNOPOP.STY]
Bluegrass 6/8 style (fast 3/4 in BB where 2 bars of 3/4 = 1 bar of 6/8). Progressive Afro-Pop with a 6/8 Feel in the style of SalifK and others. Acoustic Rhythm Guitar with broad strumming moves up the neck at B. Clean electric rhythm Guitar with funky rhythm parts switches to muted guitar at B. Electric Fingered Bass, and Drums with lots of percussion and busy cowbell parts at B.
Euphoric - Techno-Folk style [EUPHORIC.STY]
Techno Meets rootsy acoustic guitar in this style. Drums and percussion play a blazing uptempo groove with electric finger-style bass while twelve-string guitar arpeggiates over a sustained synth pad at A. At B, guitar plays more freely with occasional strums, sharing arpeggios with a square-wave lead.
Folk Club - Folk style [FOLKCLUB.STY]
Starts out with strummed Acoustic Guitar and Nylon Guitar, Acoustic Bass and Congas in the style of BobD, TimH and other folk singers. This section has a tranquil rhythm feel. At B, rippling clawhammer Banjo kicks in, and Drums join in the fray. The feel changes to half-time 2-beat.
FolkRag - Swing Folk style [FOLKRAG.STY]
Simple swing Acoustic Guitar (Travis-style fingerpicking) with bass and light brushes at A. At B, add Banjo (strums) and more intense Drums and Bass. T=150-220
Good 'n Country - Bluegrass styl [GOODCTRY.STY]
Inspired by the Countrified Bluegrass of the great JimmyM, this style favors a bouncy rhythm guitar spiced with funky bass runs and "Church Lick"-styled hammer-ons. Because of the idiomatic guitar playing, this style is most realistically suited to keys between E and A. To support the loose, swinging feel, choose tempos between 70 and 120 bpm. Banjo plays lots of Crowe-style single-string riffs at A; B features simpler, funky backup, while guitar and bass also simplify, letting Mandolin play tremolo and fills.
JamGrass - Bluesy Bluegrass [JAMGRASS.STY]
Bluesy Bluegrass with an even 16th time feel. Rock-Flavored Bluegrass in the style of the Dusters and other modern bluegrass groups.
JJess - Swing 16 Bluegrass [JJESS.STY]
Bluegrass didn't sound any bouncier than the music of Jim and Jesse McR who inspired grooves like this. Jesse is known for his unique crosspicking mandolin style, which takes over the backup in the B section. The banjo (a la AlanS) - rolling in the A section, and playing a behind-the beat, almost Reggae-like comp on 2 and 4.
Jug Time - Bluegrass style [JUGTIME.STY]
Even 8, Blues-flavored Bluegrass. Equal Parts Bluegrass, Jug Band, and rock & Roll, this 5-instrument style recalls the easy-going style of JohnS and Spoonful and features Guitar and Mandolin (Nylon String Guitar) and Banjo trading riffs and rhythms. The drums accent the half time feel on A sections with the sidestick and moves to the snare on the B. Section. As this is a Blues-flavored style, a C chord is treated as a C or C7.
KeefR - Rock style [KEEFR.STY]
Raw, even 8th-note Rock a la Stones, Who and others.
Pop Folk - Bluesy-Folk style [POPFOLK.STY]
Bluesy Pop Folk with a loose-even 8ths feel. Inspired by the early days when Folk Music crossed over with Pop. In the style of the Rooftops and PMM. Strummed 12-String Guitar, Acoustic Bass (root and fifth 'two feel), Latin Percussion, and Clean Electric Guitar Fills switching to muted "Popcorn" Guitar at B section.
Reggae Jam - Bluegrass style [REGAEJAM.STY]
Reggae with a Bluegrass flavor in the style of Bluegrass jam bands like YonderMT, StrengthIN, PeterR and others. Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, and Acoustic, steel-string Guitar.
SD Funk - Even 8 Rock style [SDFUNK.STY]
Even 8th - Gritty and Bluesy Rock. Funky eighth-note rock in the style of BeeBee and Steely. Muted Guitar plays bluesy single-note riffs at A section. At B, Clean guitar takes over with funky, chordal based fills. Piano plays throughout, and organ pads at B. Electric Bass plays simply, but gets more active at B with occasional syncopations.
Shufflin - Triplet Shuffle style [SHUFLIN.STY]
Medium shuffle ala GratefulD and similar groups. 5 insts: Ac. Rhythm Gtr, overdriven El.Gtr. Bright Ac. Piano barrelhouse-style, busier at A. Fingerstyle El. Bass, & drums. T=130
Stranger - Swing 16 Country [STRANGER.STY]
Easy-swinging Country w/ 4 insts: Ac. guitar (strumming), Nylon String (finger-picking), Ac. Bass (1 & 5 in a 'two' feel at B), Drums (sparse at A, busier at B). T=95
Sugar Mag - Funky Bluegrass styl [SUGARMAG.STY]
Funky Ev8 Bluegrass. Guitars play even BDiddley influenced feel over double-time drums. Clean El.Gtr plays fill a la JerryG w/ a touch of Clarence at A and comps 5ths at B. T=85
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