MIDI Styles Set 8: Various
This Set comes with lively assortment of jazz styles including a Count Basie big-band sound, a Hancock comping, and rich Dixieland Style. We haven't forgotten the classics in this one, with our "Alberti" we give you a solo Piano accompaniment, while "Chamber" gives you that intimate chamber style. As well, the new pop styles explore everything from a Bossa/Rock to a lullaby. To round out this excellent Styles disk, we've included an assortment of ethnic, country and Latin Styles. You've GOT to have Styles Set 8.
Alberti Classical Piano [ALBERTI.STY]
This is a 4/4 Classical solo Piano accompaniment style which features pianistic rhythmical accompaniment for a variety of classical tunes.
Bach 1 Classical Piano [BACH_1.STY]
This is a 4/4 Classical Solo Piano accomp. (Prelude 1) Arpeggios.
Country Waltz Stride [C_STRIDE.STY]
This 3- instrument country style features solo Piano country stride waltz @ 'a'. Bass & Drums enter @ 'b'.
Chamber 1 Orch. [CHAMBER1.STY]
Chamber Orchestra style. Piano, Bass, 2-String sections.
Chopin Waltz Solo Piano [CHOPIN_W.STY]
Stride Solo Piano Accompaniment. Piano Bass @ 'b'.
Classy Easy Swing with Strings [CLASSY.STY]
An easy Nelson Riddle-like Jazz-swing style (t=95-200) with Piano, bass,guit, drums and lush String section in both sections. Strings are higher in 'b'section.
Goodnite, Slow 6/8 [GOODNITE.STY]
This is a slow arpeggiated 6/8 Pop/Rock style with electric piano, bass, drums, guitar & Harp.
Basie Big Band [J_BASIE1.STY]
This style features R-Sect w/Freddie Green Guitar and (less) Brass background shots. Tip: Choose one of the sax-section harmonies for melody and soloist.
Basie Big Band [J_BASIE2.STY]
This style features R-Sect w/Freddie Green Guitar and (more) Brass background shots. Tip: Choose one of the sax-section harmonies for melody and soloist
Dixieland 2 [J_DIXIE2.STY]
This is a 4- piece Traditional Dixieland style with no drums (Tuba, Banjo & Clarinet & Trombone).
Dixieland 3 [J_DIXIE3.STY]
This is a 5- piece Conventional Dixieland style with drums, bass, Banjo, Clar, & Trbone.
B Evans 2 Hands [J_EVAN2H.STY]
Features a Trio with 2-handed comping in the style of B.E. Use this when another inst. is playing the melody.
B Evans L-H only [J_EVANLH.STY]
A Trio (piano, bass, drums) which features Left Hand only comping. Use with Piano melody or Piano soloist.
Herbie H comping [J_HERBIE.STY]
This jazz swing Trio style (piano, bass, drums)features Herbie's spacey and inventive comping style. Bass in two at 'a', and walking at 'b'. Will work with most tempos.
Light Jazz Feel [J_LIGHT.STY]
A jazz swing style (t= 85-300). Rhythm Section with light piano fills (p,b,g,drs).Will work with most tempos. Bass in 2 at 'a', and walking at 'b'.
McCoy Bossa [L_BOS_MC.STY]
A jazz-bossa Trio with Piano, Bass & Drums featuring McCoy style comping. Salsa push-bass (each bar is anticipated by one beat) at 'b'.
BossaRock [L_BOSROK.STY]
A Lively Bossa/Rock style with electric piano, bass, drums & Acoustic Guitar.
Lulaby, Slow waltz [LULABY34.STY]
Gentle slow Waltz (piano, bass, drums, guitar, strings).
R Whitiker Pop M.O.R. [P_WHITKR.STY]
M.O.R Pop/Rock with Electric Piano, Fretless Bass, Drums, Guitar, Strings.
Santa Lucia- Italian Waltz [SANTALUC.STY]
A 5-instrument Italian Waltz style with Accordian, bass, drums, guitar and Tremelo Guitar @ 'b'.
Waltz Paris -French Waltz [WLZPARIS.STY]
A 5-instrument French Waltz style with Accordian, bass, drums, guitar and clarinet fills @ 'b'.
6/8 Fast-Tempo [6-8_FAST.STY]
A 5-instrument fast 6/8 style with Electric Piano, bass, drums, guitar & accordian. Remember, when entering chords, each beat has 3 subdivisions. Use tempos from 50-150.
9/8 Slow-Tempo arpeg. [9-8_SLOW.STY]
This is a slow arpeggiated 9/8 Pop/Rock style - a slow waltz with triplet divisions (piano, bass, drums, guitar & harp).
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