MIDI Styles Set 82: Look Ma! More MIDI 5
This special collection of jazz MIDI styles cannot be missed! In "Look Ma! More MIDI 5", we've created a cornucopia of modern jazz sounds, including a modern jazz waltz, disco jazz fusion, jazz rock, rumba fusion, and much, much more! We've also included some classics like a Dixieland quintet, multiple jazz blues styles, and fast jazz with trumpet. Don't let these original MIDI jazz arrangements go unnoticed!
Aconitum MIDI Held Mod Jazz Wltz [ACONITUM]
This up-tempo, modern jazz waltz features a piano MIDI SuperTrack. The other instruments are held, including fretless bass, electric guitar, vibes, and brushes.
Blue Club MIDI Jazz Blues Ballad [BLUECLUB]
This slow jazz blues ballad uses only MIDI tracks, and features a MIDI SuperTracks piano. Acoustic bass, nylon guitar, voice oohs, and drums join in.
Bye Bell MIDI Trumpet Fast Jazz [BYEBELL]
This fast MIDI jazz swing style features a MIDI SuperTrack piano. Muted trumpet, acoustic bass, electric guitar, and brushes join in.
Deep Water All-MIDI Fast Fusion [DEEPWATR]
A fast and all-MIDI jazz fusion style that features bass and piano MIDI SuperTracks. Nylon string guitar, synth pad, and jazz drums are also used.
Down n Out MIDI Jazz Blues [DOWNNOUT]
A medium-tempo MIDI jazz blues style that features a comping piano MIDI SuperTrack. Acoustic bass, jazz electric guitar, and jazz drums complete the quartet.
Faster MIDI Jazz Ballad Quintet [FASTBAL]
This jazz ballad uses only MIDI instruments and is meant to be used at faster tempos than the average ballad. Acoustic bass, electric piano, nylon guitar, strings, and jazz drums are used.
Feverous MIDI Disco Jazz Fusion [FEVEROUS]
A medium-tempo fusion style that incorporates jazz, funk, and disco. The bass, piano, and synth are MIDI SuperTracks. Electric guitar and drums use regular MIDI.
Hot Jazz MIDI Dixieland Quintet [HOTJAZZ]
A fast Dixieland jazz quintet with all MIDI instruments, including banjo, acoustic guitar, drums, tuba, and MIDI SuperTracks piano.
Las Vegas MIDI Slow Funk Fusion [LASVEGAS]
A slow jazz funk fusion style that features a MIDI SuperTrack electric piano. Synthesizer bass, clean electric guitar, electronic drums, and vibes join in.
Matanzas MIDI Rumba Fusion [MATANZAS]
This all-MIDI style mixes modern jazz instruments with rhumba instruments, including electric bass, muted electric guitar, acoustic piano, recorder, and drums.
Monarch All-MIDI Jazz Rock [MONARCH]
This upbeat jazz rock style uses all MIDI instruments, including jazz electric guitar, clean electric guitar, standard drums, MST bass, and MST piano.
New Tide MIDI Changes Jazz Solo [NEWTIDE]
This simple jazz swing style features a MIDI SuperTracks piano soloist. Jazz electric guitar, voice oohs, brushes, and MIDI SuperTrack bass join in.
Paloma All-MIDI Lounge Funk [PALOMA]
This lounge funk style has an all-MIDI arrangement that includes bass and piano MIDI SuperTracks, two electric guitars, and a standard drum kit.
Tough Times MIDI Jazz Blues Solo [TUFTIMES]
This jazz blues MIDI style has a swing feel and features a MIDI SuperTracks piano soloist. Other instruments include acoustic bass, jazz electric guitar, and brushes.
Turn Away MIDI Changes Jazz [TURNAWAY]
A simple jazz swing MIDI style with a piano MIDI SuperTrack. This style is meant to be used with basic jazz changes. Acoustic bass, electric guitar, vocal oohs, and jazz drums join in.
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