Band-in-a-Box 2023 New Feature - EZ RealTracks/RealDrums Folder Locations

When you rebuild a style list, you can confirm and set the correct locations of your RealTracks and RealDrums folders. Previously, setting these folders took time as they were set in different locations and not incorporated into the style rebuild. Now, there is a dialog that shows the current locations (e.g., C:\bb\RealTracks and C:\bb\Drums) and the number of RealTracks and RealDrums present in these locations. This allows you to confirm that you are using the correct locations as you see the expected numbers of RealTracks and RealDrums found in the folders.

Style toolbar button - Rebuild button The dialog will display in the StylePicker when rebuilding the styles list. It will also show once when you run the program first time after installation or update.

Rebuild StylePicker dialog

In the dialog, you can see how many RealTracks and RealDrums are found in the selected folder.

how many RealTracks and RealDrums are found

Set RT/RD Folders button The dialog is also accessible from the [Set RT/RD Folders] button in the Track Settings and Actions dialog (F7).

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Q: Can I really have the entire UltraPAK shipped pre-installed on a USB 3 hard drive?

A: Yes, in addition to e-delivery/download, you can choose during checkout to get a physical backup copy hard drive for only $25 US (free shipping). You can use Band-in-a-Box directly from the hard disk, or copy it to your computer.

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