Endorsing Artists

See what these artists have to say about Band-in-a-Box!

Wolf Marshall, Guitarist, Author, Educator and member of UCLA Jazz Studies Faculty.

I have long been an advocate and user of Band In A Box. It's unique technology not only allows one to create very authentic and musically satisfying tracks for practice and teaching applications but has the capability of producing professional finished arrangements for use in a solo or duo setting on actual live gigs. There is simply no other product like it in the field. In terms of its sonic excellence and user-friendly software it stands alone in the market, the sound and execution often superseding commercially available studio-recorded tracks from large, well established companies. The name Band In A Box couldn't be more appropriate and truly lives up to its marketing implications–that's exactly what you get! And that band now contains stellar players like Jeff Lorber, Ron Carter and Brent Mason in the lineup. I personally have used Band In A Box to generate high-quality backgrounds suitable for professional releases on CDs for large and discerning vendors. I have been delighted with the product and am very impressed with the musical brains behind its invention and further refinements. Bravo, Band In A Box!  - Wolf Marshall

Wolf Marshall is an internationally acclaimed guitarist and educator.
Learn more about Wolf http://www.wolfmarshall.coml

Wolf Marshall also has a Video Testimonial.

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