I went into my Juno and went into performance mode. I was not sure how to edit any of the pre-programed info. I was told I can program 16 midi channels with different instruments. I dialed up to 63: SEQ TEMPLATE and somehow ended up in 563: SEQ TEMPLATE. From there I assigned part 1 to piano and pressed the write button. It said it was saved. Part 2 I assigned to Bass. I assigned part 3 to patch 75 on the Keyboard function of my Juno - a patch called "Music Bells" . I then went back to my DAW and assigned channel 3 to patch 75 and chose the Roland Patch list. 75 is piccallo! I have already went to the Juno web site and downloaded the patch list to my DAW and imported it to patches.ini. However, the patches on my Juno device do not match those that come up on my DAW, even if I choose the Roland patch list. I did get my DAW to record different instruments on different channels. The problem is, if I don't have my Juno plugged in a choose it's midi drivers everything in my DAW reverts to piano.
So, if I keep my Juno plugged in and use the Juno drivers for both in and out, I can record different instruments on different channels. Next step - how can I save all of the parts together to a .wav file, keeping the intruments sounds I want, without everything reverting to piano?

Thanks as usual! Bernie