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Has anyone ever come close to recreating this simple, unique sound of Johnny Cash/Luther Perkins/Tenessee Three? I know there are "Cash" styles in the style list, but they must refer to some other Cash, with the bluegrass banjo, fancy bass and drums. I'd say it could be done with a combination of instruments from different styles. I'd really appreciate any suggestions.
Band-in-a-Box for Windows
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Try some of the Brent Mason styles, take out the lead guitar stuff and slow it down a bit. Might work for Johnny. Also, try Bob "Notes" Norton "Folsom style". This one will give you the basic rythm. Again, you will have to edit the instruments to get what you want.
Last edited by David Walker; 05/31/11 09:59 AM.
Band-in-a-Box for Windows
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You might also try one of Bob 'Notes' Norton styles, Folsom.sty. This is his style for Folsome Prison Blues, a typical Johnny Cash song that can be used on a lot of Johnnies stuff. Again, just a little editing goes a long way.
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It's just plain old 2/4 cut time. Add your own inst. one at a time.
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Johnny's famous "chicka" part of the thing was not a drummer but was done by placing paper between the strings of his guitar and using it to make that sound in the studio. "Walk the Line" featured this, don't know about Folsom.
To this day many folks mistake it for a snare drum.
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There is a short mp3 demo of my Folsom style here: http://www.nortonmusic.com/styledemo.html#sfNotes
Bob "Notes" Norton Norton Music https://www.nortonmusic.com
100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove & Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks
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There is a short mp3 demo of my Folsom style here: http://www.nortonmusic.com/styledemo.html#sf
I would suggest you use much better soundfonts in your demo MP3's. That sounded pretty bad.
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Johnny's famous "chicka" part of the thing was not a drummer but was done by placing paper between the strings of his guitar and using it to make that sound in the studio. "Walk the Line" featured this, don't know about Folsom.
You're right Mac. However, the way I used to do it(get close that is), was to mute the bottom 5 strings with the palm of my right hand and do alternate picking on the 4th and 5th strings, assuming you're playing in the key of A. My brother was playing rhythm guitar along my plucking. It was close and sounded alright. But, that was years ago, just sayin'.
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I would suggest you use much better soundfonts in your demo MP3's.
Kevin -
I suspect the problem is more that the demo is a 32kbps/22khz low resolution mp3.
I just listened to the style just using the TTS-1 softsynth and thought it sounded pretty good (for MIDI). Even using the Microsoft GS Wavetable sounded better than the demo.
I think that's the tradeoff when you are posting demos of many styles. You want them to load quickly, so you sacrifice quality. Again, since Bob's styles are all MIDI based, the demo show what they sound like, not necessarily how they sound (which would be based on the synth you end up using).
John Laptop-HP Omen I7 Win11Pro 32GB 2x2TB, 1x4TB SSD Desktop-ASUS-I7 Win10Pro 32GB 2x1.5TB, 2x2TB, 1x4TB SATA BB2024/UMC404HD/Casios/Cakewalk/Reaper/Studio One/MixBus/Notion/Finale/Dorico/Noteworthy/NI/Halion/IK http://www.sus4chord.com
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We have 4 RealTracks styles in the boom-chic Country category. The guitarist for these RealTracks is Mark Thornton. Mark is a great player, a long-time guitarist in Jerry Reed's band. (these links are for Windows. Mac links are below) 607=Guitar, Nylon, Chet Train Ev 130 Solo, Electric, Chet Comp Ev 130 Solo, Electric, Chet Pickin' Ev 100 Solo one is swing style... 606=Guitar, Nylon, Chet Fishin' Sw 120 Solo 4 RealTracks are all from RealTracksd Set 35. You can order it directly from this page (http://pgmusic.com/realtracks.all.win.htm) , or get it with Country Pak 1, or in the UltraPAK. For more info, click on RealTracks Set 35: Chet and Travis Pickin' (ie #35 at the bottom of the page) on this page http://pgmusic.com/realtracks.audvid.win.htmRealTracks Set 35: Chet and Travis Pickin′ $29 http://pgmusic.com/realtracks.all.win.htmWhat's that sound down the way? That just might be the train a-comin′ to carry you away. That's how you'll feel when you explore RealTracks Set 35: Chet and Travis Pickin'! This Set comes with 4 different RealTracks styles in this unique genre, two played with that sweet mellow Nylon Guitar, and two played with the warm tones of the Electric Guitar. There are 4 distinct grooves and tempos, and with the superior stretching features in Band-in-a-Box and RealBand, the styles can be used at a variety of tempos. ******** Macintosh Boom-Chic Demo Links here ************** 607=Guitar, Nylon, Chet Train Ev 130 Solo http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/607solo.m4aBand http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/607band.m4a604=Guitar, Electric, Chet Comp Ev 130 Solo http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/604solo.m4aBand http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/604band.m4a605=Guitar, Electric, Chet Pickin' Ev 100 Solo http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/605solo.m4aBand http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/605band.m4aThis one is swing style... 606=Guitar, Nylon, Chet Fishin' Sw 120 Solo http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/606solo.m4aBand http://nn.pgmusic.com/pgfiles/audio/realtracksdemos/606band.m4a
Have Fun! Peter Gannon PG Music Inc.
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Kevin -
I suspect the problem is more that the demo is a 32kbps/22khz low resolution mp3.
You might be right there -- I didn't notice that it was 32kbs. That's pretty low res.
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Johnny's famous "chicka" part of the thing was not a drummer but was done by placing paper between the strings of his guitar and using it to make that sound in the studio. "Walk the Line" featured this, don't know about Folsom.
You're right Mac. However, the way I used to do it(get close that is), was to mute the bottom 5 strings with the palm of my right hand and do alternate picking on the 4th and 5th strings, assuming you're playing in the key of A. My brother was playing rhythm guitar along my plucking. It was close and sounded alright. But, that was years ago, just sayin'.
Didn't we all...
I'm sure that most of the Workin' Guitarists in coverbands did much the same.
"Palm that Tele at the bridge" - should be a part of the Standard Musical Lexicon, knowmean?
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There is a short mp3 demo of my Folsom style here: http://www.nortonmusic.com/styledemo.html#sf
I would suggest you use much better soundfonts in your demo MP3's. That sounded pretty bad.
Thanks, but the demo is supposed to showcase the notes, and not the synth.
At one time I put these demos on a high end synth, and people using their sound cards or the semi-lame VSC would complain that it sounded better on the demo than it did on their computer. I got tired of explaining MIDI to newbies and more than that I was upset that I disappointed customers.
So now I use the VSC and rip them at a low bit rate so that they will sound better on your rig than they do on the demo.
I figured most musicians are MIDI-savvy enough to know that the notes are all that I'm making a demo of, not the sounds. And for those newbies who listen and don't buy, I'd rather not sell a style than disappoint a customer.
When somebody doesn't like my styles, especially for a reason that I have no control over (like a lame sound module) it makes me sad.
So listen to my demos for the parts the "musicians" are playing, not the actual sounds of the instruments "they" are playing.
Notes ♫
Bob "Notes" Norton Norton Music https://www.nortonmusic.com
100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove & Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks
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Thanks, but the demo is supposed to showcase the notes, and not the synth.
Hi Bob, I guess that's why they call you "Notes" not "Sounds" Norton.....lol
Damn, I love that style. Living 2 long blocks away from a train track, I hear that train a comin' and a goin' for almost 20 years now........lol I'm also a big Johnny Cash fan. Delia, Oh Delia......but I digress.
I also always palmed the bridge on my Tele too. Wayne,
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Notes Norton has *Plenty* of great sounding hardware MIDI synths at his disposal, plus he also has the ears, talent and technical ability to deliver a well-massaged set of demo tracks.
Historically, however, the use of such wonderful sounding demo tracks has always led to the accusation of intentionally attempting to make the styles sound much better than the stuff the average user has available. So in order to assuage those folks, he provides a MIDI rendering using synth of the type the average user might have available.
You can make 'em sound MUCH better by simply routing them to better sounding MIDI synths. I have.
This just shows that you can't please everybody in these days of criticisms and accusals...
But Notes Norton, like pgmusic, is much different from the average computer software etc. online vendors. Good and reliable in business, good folks to deal with if you give them the chance. Bob is a working musician as well, just like many of us. He knows what it feels like when ya get burned by a deal - and doesn't let that jade his own responses in the least. Very good source of alternate styles for BiaB that can fill the "holes" in your styles list whether you are using BiaB live for covers or using it to make your own demos or recordings. Notes' styles represent a great - and much easier - alternative to having to "roll your own" specific style using the Stylemaker and the time that often takes.
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Thanks Mac and Wayne for the kind words. Here is a public domain 12 bar blues song made with my styles with some minimal editing in a sequencer http://www.nortonmusic.com/mp3/Sweet_Home_Chicago_M128.mp3 - all the sounds except for the bass are GM sounds, the bass is a sample of my own Faux-J-Bass (I could have used a GM bass but I wanted the flat wound string sound). The BiaB flile http://www.nortonmusic.com/bb/Sweet_Home_Chicago.MGUThere are a few simple things I did to this MIDI file that simply cannot be done with Real Tracks. Complete details of what I did and how are here: http://www.nortonmusic.com/freemp3.htmlAgain, I could take my demos, edit them and use some high-end sound modules and make them works of art. But that would disappoint the person who buys them to use on his/her sound card. I also thing that it would border on false advertising, and that is a road that I am not prepared to go down. My name and my self-respect is on my styles. I'd rather not sell a style than disappoint a customer. I make my living by playing music http://www.s-cats.com and this BiaB business is something I just stumbled upon. I bought BiaB for my own use -- improvisation practice. Later in version 4 (I think) when PG Music first introduced the StyleMaker app, I wrote some style for myself (on the Atari computer). I gave the styles to my friends, one of which taught music at the University of Miami, and they all thought my styles sounded better than PG Music's (aren't friends wonderful), so I took an ad out in Electronics Musician magazine. Fast forward almost 20 years and here I am still making and selling styles. I never thought Band-in-a-Box would have lasted this long and I had no idea how much it would grow when I first bought it for improv practice. Hats off to Peter Gannon for a great program and for the help and support he has provided me for these years. Notes ♫
Bob "Notes" Norton Norton Music https://www.nortonmusic.com
100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove & Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks
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Now, if I take the midi style C_EZSHUF.STY. Country EZ Shuffle and change the guitar to a real track 606=Guitar, Nylon, Chet Fishin' Sw 120, how do I save this new style so next time I don't have to rebuild it.
BIAB2024 Windows 10 Pro WA6NCB
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I knew my opinion would be a minority opinion and I understand Notes' rational -- still doesn't change my viewpoint, though (ha, ha).
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Can't please all of the people all of the time
Bob "Notes" Norton Norton Music https://www.nortonmusic.com
100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove & Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks
Band-in-a-Box for Windows
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Notes Norton has *Plenty* of great sounding hardware MIDI synths at his disposal, plus he also has the ears, talent and technical ability to deliver a well-massaged set of demo tracks.
Historically, however, the use of such wonderful sounding demo tracks has always led to the accusation of intentionally attempting to make the styles sound much better than the stuff the average user has available. So in order to assuage those folks, he provides a MIDI rendering using synth of the type the average user might have available.
You can make 'em sound MUCH better by simply routing them to better sounding MIDI synths. I have.
This just shows that you can't please everybody in these days of criticisms and accusals...
But Notes Norton, like pgmusic, is much different from the average computer software etc. online vendors. Good and reliable in business, good folks to deal with if you give them the chance. Bob is a working musician as well, just like many of us. He knows what it feels like when ya get burned by a deal - and doesn't let that jade his own responses in the least. Very good source of alternate styles for BiaB that can fill the "holes" in your styles list whether you are using BiaB live for covers or using it to make your own demos or recordings. Notes' styles represent a great - and much easier - alternative to having to "roll your own" specific style using the Stylemaker and the time that often takes.
Yamaha started using "One Touch Settings" which automatically set up the midi style, patch and dsp effects for their styles. I used to get peeved after listening to their factory style demos and then have to work a few hours trying to emulate 1/2 of what theirs sounded like. Those OTS are very handy for the gigging musician taking requests and setting up a song within a few button pushes now. World of difference in sound.
Now PG & Co. have taken it a step further with real instruments and real artists with the invention of Real Styles. Thank ya, thank ya, thank ya.
I have some of Norton's style disks AND Fakebook disks. Money well spent, IMO. Match those with the Real Tracks and you are making music, man !!!
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Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
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We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
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