
Months of hard work and lots of edits.Jeesh!

I will hold off on the "Jeesh" because the guy making the post may play with his BIAB once a month or less and this the money spent on the upgrade would not be of the same value to him as you. I don't know his story, and every user will find a different amount of utility for any product. I love my iPad. Could I do without it. Absolutely. I have 3 laptops. Was it worth $500? Not really since I don't use it INSTEAD of my laptop. If was to replace my laptops, then the dynamic changes and the answer to that last question would be "Yes it is."

This could be a guy who has never played in public and doesn't play music to make money. If that is the case, I would understand his logic.

Apples and apples....

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.