
I can see everyones point of view here, my own opinion is that the program started to get a bit more expensive since the mid year updates were introduced, and since the mid year biab program on its own is no longer free in effect you are signing up to 6 mths updates (instead of a year) each time you upgrade.

Let's see if I get this. Let's say that PG has 100 new RTs to put out each year.So come Jan. They put out 100 & some upgrades in the program and you buy it. Now they start working on the next release. Instead of waiting until next Jan to put it out they put it out with 50 RTs and some updates in June.Those that can afford it buy mid year & get 50 new RTs. Those that can't afford it get the 100 RTs at the end of the year.So those that can't afford it are at the same place we'd all be if they only did a once a year update. That's how I see it.It's just bugging you that those 50 mid year RTs and updates are out there to buy and you won't do it out of some sort of principal.As I see it those willing to pay $99 mid year are getting to use the new RTs 6 months earlier then those that don't buy it.


Another little thing that annoys me is when a new user appears say around october or november and asks about the program, not many long time uers say "hey buddy its a great program but Please if you can wait to christams time and buy it in the sale you will save $$$$$$$ that way" Its as if its a well kept secret that first time visitors are not allowed to know.

Not my job.


I hope that PG takes everyones views on board and Not SLowly Kill the Goose thats Laying the Golden Egg.

Something tells me that they really don't need us telling them how to run their business.

ESI Gigaport HD+
Lenovo Turion II /4 Gig Ram/ Win7x64 be
15.6" Monitor
"The only Band is a Real Band"