I used to own a alarm company, and i would go out to give someone an estimate for an install. I would every once in a while get the "Wow that is a lot, I was hoping it would be less" They would quote some ad from the radio or paper for a $199 special. sure if you want the front door and the back door only great go for it. Interesting statistic Of all those $99 or $199 or $399 specials offered, the average end sale was $1,495. No one could run a business selling $199 specials, in fact the sales managers would have their heads if they sold those with any consistency. It was a get what you paid for issue. I knew what it took to keep my business open, with insurance, bonding, licensing, gas, truck repairs, materials, labor, and other cost.

What has this to do with PG music. Here once again is a get what you paid for situation. If you upgrade every 6 months you spend a certain amount of money, every year a different amount of money, every two years even more so, but you get what you paid for. The program and features you want, when you want them. I am sure PG charges what they can get for what they offer, and it is not an unfair price. It might be a lot in this economy for some, but certainly not a lot for what goes into it. They know there business model, and the cost there in. They offer what the bring to market, for a price they can be successful with.

It is like any thing we purchase, we have the option to buy or not. You can go to a expensive 5 star steak and seafood rest, or Denny's. It is up to your budget. If you can afford the 5 star, great. If not don't suggest they lower their prices, To accomodate your budget, get a Grand slam and be happy. I want to own and update several programs, and also want a lot of gear, sadly it is not all in the budget, so my upgrade money goes to PG, since i get the most bang for my buck there. Two years ago i could not afford one upgrade and let it ride. My choice, i had to pay a bit more the next time around.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2024, Realband, Reaper, Harrison Mixbus 32c , Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.