Some of my highest quality listening anymore comes from Shoutcast. For those not familiar, people like you and me can create "stations" and broadcast them on the internet. When you find one (and it takes a LOT of experimenting) that is broadcasting a mix you like, make it a favorite and you can always go back. Several years back I used to have about a dozen "programs" that were all on CD, including some generic DJ banter, all saved as MP3s, intertwined so it sounded like I was really there. I had 2 jazz shows, a couple of Beatles shows, a couple of Todd Rundgren, a couple of Police.... Each was a playlist, and I could queue the playlists so about 6 one hour shows could be queued up at a time. Pretty cool stuff, actually.

But to respond to Mario, those late 60s days when FM was just becoming the norm were awesome. We had a show here in Cleveland called Doc Nemo's Underground that came on at 11. He opened with Bob Seger's "Heavy Music" every night and it was 60 minutes of stuff you couldn't hear on the AM stations. Hendrix, Blues Project, BS&T.... Loved it.