
I've read this discussion pretty closely. If your goal is to have a hit song, I missed it. But if your goal is, as you say, to have ONE song on ONE radio station ONE time, I think you can do better than that, doing what you are best at and doing whatever it is that you love. The magic word is--COLLEGE stations. SOME DJ out there will play what YOU write, and not just as a novelty, but because it resonates. Who knows, you could screw up and actually sell some CDs. At the very least you will get some royalties from airplay.

Write what you think is good. Have it copyrighted. Find or create a list of college stations that have that genre somewhere in their rotation. I'm guessing there are at least dozens out of the hundreds that exist. Send 'em a CD (with contact info, of course). Somebody WILL like it and play it. When that happens listeners want to know where they can hear more. Prepare for at least a minor impact.

Just a thought.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."