
I am now able to play a recorded song and recorded by PT by going into the Tyros Midi setting and change the Midi output to A. I still do not understand the connection logic here but at least I am making some progress. I have two main issues here:

First is that when playing back after extract channels to track, the patches are completely wrong. I understand is that you have to find out the actual patches used in the style then assign each channel with the actual patch in order to have it sounded right? The problem is that the newly installed patch.ini does not have all the Tyros 4 sounds. That means you will not get the same version as the original?

Second, upon playing back from PT, some passages have "hiccups" like when going from one measure to another say from C to G chord. At the transition, a slight delay is heard like the drummer hesitated for a fraction of a second then strikes his high hat. This was not heard or at least BARELY noticeable from the original. I have tried quantize within PT to no avail. On this issues, the Yamaha PSR1000 was used. I will have to get a USB/MIDI drive since it does not have USB. Save the file then open it in PT. Perhaps this way will eliminate some data errors with the recording method that accounts for the hiccups?

I eagerly await your replies. Thanks Dai