Here's a fun tip I discovered last night. I have been creating quick starter songs ( four to sixteen measures with a few chord changes) and have been interchanging real tracks to get the right sounds, but for the most part there are several real tracks that I gravitate to. When I was saving one of the songs, I saw the option to save the song as a style... So after saving the song I did just that. I created it as a user style. But the nice thing was the style saved my selection and tempo of all the real tracks.

You say wow so what but think about it... You now have a band so if you create a bunch of songs they will now have the same feel to it even if you change the underlying style... And you can save the style with different variations while still keeping the same feel...

I thought it was neat...

Biab 2019 ultra pack
Dell laptop I7 running windows 2010
Midi keyboard
Roland BR600 8 track recorder
Sonar X3 producer
flstudio 20