Welcome to the UserTracks WishlistUserTracks are user-created RealTracks. You need version 2014 of Band-in-a-Box to use or create UserTracks.
Since UserTracks are made by other users (and not by PG Music), you can ask others if they would like to make UserTracks for a style that you would like.
Typically these would be for "simpler" styles that wouldn't be too time consuming for a user to make, or "specialty" type styles or instruments.
For example, maybe you want a style with a 12-string guitar strumming quarter notes, or playing held notes. But you don't play guitar (or own a 12 string). So you place the request in this forum.
Each request should be in a separate thread. If a user plans to make the style you are requesting, they should reply asap to the thread, so that 2 people aren't working on the same request.
Sample Post:
(from Mike) Hi all, I'd like a simple 12-string guitar style. Playing held chords. Mainly a pop style, so maj, min chords, and a few dom7, dim, and sus chords. Tempo about 85 would be good, even feel (though that doesn't matter since these are held chords)
Hi Mike, Yes, I'll make that UserTracks and make it available free to you or others. I should have it ready within a week.
Anyone replying should give a time frame, such as a reply like this: "I should have it ready within a week." Please no "nebulous" replies like "I'm very busy now, but if I get free time I might make that style for you"
Once the UserTracks is ready, you should make it available like any other UserTracks. You should make a .zip file of the UserTracks folder, and then make a downloadable link to the .zip file (Many sites will help you with having a downloadable file available – dropbox.com is one of them. There are others listed here:
http://www.ebizmba.com/articles/file-sharing-websites Note: This forum is for wishlist for UserTracks that you would like others to make. There is a separate UserTracks forum here:
http://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=75&page=1 Also, there is a separate forum for posting wishlist items for PG Music to make RealTracks. Those would be typically made for RealTracks that would be more involved or would require a top studio musician to play them.