Originally Posted By: Steve Mac
Hi really liked it all except the intro which just didn't sound right with the rest of what is a thumping good tune.
Strong vocal, good sentiment, really enjoyed it.

Thanks Steve. That intro was our attempt to get the Mellencamp mid 80's feel in the song. Having been a major fan for years I admit to a serious bias! The juxtaposition of the sparse rhythmic intro with a harder rock sound following is what we were attempting. However, I can certainly see how to many it would appear to be out of place. We appreciate your comments!

Originally Posted By: boehm
Hi Janice, Bud, Floyd and Tommy,

what a great collaboration.
It sounds massive.
Go on diving into different genres.


Hey Guenter....thanks for the comment. We tried hard to get a big sound!

Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Cool tune.... rock... probably not,.......... more like Nashville's take on modern country music.... mostly due to the accessory instruments used.

Sounds good, but you know what they say..... "more cowbell!!!!"

Thanks Herb. Actually we were shooting for the sound as described in my response to Steve. Hard rock drums, crispy rhythm guitar, dirty lead, mandolin and fiddle was the closest we could come to the Mellencamp sound of the 80's. But, hey, you may be spot on. I don't listen to ANY modern country so maybe Mellencamp created the precursors of it!

Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
OK, let's stop beatin' around the bush.

Y'all need to be famous. You're better than many of the people who ARE famous.

Ah shucks -- you're too kind Mr. Marr!

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