How-to make UserTracks videos available, and Contest until March 31
- We have a UserTracks contest available until March 31 only. Three winners will be chosen, and they will receive an UltraPAK hard drive.
So make your submissions soon! Here is the forum for making submissions, with more information. YOU WANT A CHANCE TO WIN A FREE BAND-IN-A-BOX ULTRAPAK, act quickly... by March 31, you should do the following:
1. If you have Band-in-a-Box 2014 already, watch one of the first 2 videos (see below, making UserTracks with Band-in-a-Box, or with RealBand. If you don't have BiaB 2014, then watch the video below on making UserTracks with ProTools (or any DAW).
2. Download a template (pop or jazz) from Record 1 minute of audio. Make it into a UserTracks folder following the instructions in the video or the web page Upload the zip file with your UserTracks to the Contest forum at We've just made 3 videos on how to make a UserTrack in less than 10 minutes:
For many people posting in this forum, making UserTracks seems like a fairly daunting task, but if you check out these videos, you can see that it's actually quite easy to get a working UserTrack.
One thing you should note is that the video refers to zip files in <C:\bb\RealTracks\UserTracks\UserTracks Templates>. Those are
not there yet, but will be put there in an upcoming patch update. For now, this zip file is located at'm looking forward to hearing some cool 10-minute UserTracks from all of you!
1. Video #1: Make a UserTracks with Band-in-a-Box... (for use with Band-in-a-Box or RealBand)
Band-in-a-Box: Make a Pop UserTrack in less than 10 minutes! Video #2: Make a UserTracks with RealBand... (for use with Band-in-a-Box or RealBand)
Band-in-a-Box: Make a Jazz UserTrack in less than 10 minutes! Video #3: Make a UserTracks with any DAW (like ProTools)... (for use with Band-in-a-Box or RealBand)
Band-in-a-Box: Make a Pop UserTrack in less than 10 minutes!