Hi All,
I would like to tell you how I use EZ Drummer 2 in Band-In-a-Box.
First I prepare the song file in BIAB i.e. chords, length, Style etc.
Next I unfold to One chorus and keep BIAB open as I launch EZ Drummer 2 standalone mode.
In EZ Drummer 2 you have to remember that BIAB inserts 2 bars before the song starts.
So just add 2 bars to Ez Drummer 2. i.e. Intro set as Bar 1 and 2, verse starts at bar 3.
Just build your drums to match what is in BIAB i.e. part markers be it blue, green or another.
Make sure you add 2 bars in EZ Drummer 2.
f.ex if BIAB has a green marker at bar 22 you just add 2 to that number in EZ Drummer 2 so you can add a chorus fill etc.
Save your EZ Drummer 2 file as a midi. Close EZ Drummer 2.
Now return to BiAB and (I went the easy way) import the midi into the Melody track.
Go to the the Plugins (for the Melody Track in the Mixer (in BIAB)) and add EZ Drummer 2 Vsti to the Melody Track.
Mute the original drums and you are now set to hear the EZ Drummer 2 drums.
Here is an Mp3 file to let you hear how my test turned out.
Test of BIAB and EZ Drummer 2 I am not a drummer but you can see how easy it is with EZ Drummer 2 and Band in a Box.