First of all am very green at this. Am simply sharing experiences and my methods.
With the video/s helped me great deal.
Also looking at other creator's UT folder can help.

Based on my Greenness have few observations.

I am speaking about my UT'S.

1. This seems to be important.
Do not generate a song before trying to get a track to work.
Also you can erase a RT, if needed. I was doing this to test UT operations.

2. Results of 1 if you generated, there is a latent set of music that exists.
You will hear this when trying to use the UT. Muting Audio Track stops most of this.

3. Do not PLAY from your instrument highly complex track.
Or from another source as I am using.
The algorithms that split up the UT into nice pieces...Methinks gets overwhelmed.

4. #4 just put up played very nicely with 3 different "compatible" styles.
And did not play correctly with couple others.
This could be the demo music is stretching the boundaries, do not know.
You can hear where the piano backing is chopped out, or not playing in this demo.
Not wrong, but again the algorithms probably do this.

5. When you are testing a new UT, do not trash it until you listen to how it sounds
on several styles. IMHO if it plays nicely on couple of songs, go for the gold.

6. Have not created a good completed workflow yet.
This is important due to the many locations and files you will have
when creating a new UT.
Already have good BIAB & RB setup, but now with the UT's, putting, taking, finding
really gums up the ranch.
Already do this, but plan on having a work/scratch folder on Desktop for this.
Will keep using my BIAB & RB setup with this UT desktop folder.
Once completed will transfer into RT/Usertracks location.
Also making the UT's sure does start eating up resources.

7. A ghost story....
Audition and then sequence a midi externally
Load into RB.
Select track of interest.
Select VSTi and instrument to use.
Use very Lite FX, due to possible downstream mixing deterioration.
Render the track to a Wav file.
Audition for decent sound.
Figure out a good UT name, based on video and RT naming convention.
Create a folder with that name.
Take the new wav file and name it the full name.
Take the template SGU and name it exactly same.
Edit the memo.txt file with exactly same name. (mainly convenient).
Move the named wav, sgu, and memo.txt file into the new folder.
Move this to the Realtrack/Usertracks folder.
Load up BIAB.
Got to all styles in style browser.
Put in pop ev 8 120 at top left of browser > click update.
Select a style that would fit the UT, you just made.
Load its demo.
Replace the instrument track with you new UT. Remember do this before
you do a generate.
If it work good, great.
If NOT, load another style try it, etc., etc..
After around 35 tries just give up and go have a beer.

Been sitting at this PC for about 4 hours, so there!

1, 2, 3, 5 above are important to me...

Last edited by seeker; 05/25/14 01:21 PM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum