Titles seh's it..

I have completed about 5 or 6 with tempo of 80.
Cannot get them to function properly. Basically sound like eek sleep

A lot of piano sources am using are very busy at low tempos.

OOOOOORRRRR does one simply make a 120, then slow it down?
Answered my own question. Modified and rendered 120 tempo versions
of both choir and string ensembles. They work and follow the music
but chord changes chop them up. Think this was/is due to original low tempo midi is driving VSTi's.
Will try some other string sets and choirs.

Main reason FrankB got into this was to create slow UT's, and others.
These can enhance the BIAB styles for slow music, Ambient, New Age, soundtracks, orchestral etc.
Also a lot of the 50's and 60's use slow tempo for many songs.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by seeker; 05/25/14 09:03 PM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum