How to be a UserTrack User successfully.

This is Seekers experience talking.

1. If your going to use a UT to replace a Realtrack. (only you would know why)
1a. Load style, Load Song Demo, generate/play to hear it play.
2. Back to Style Browser.

3. Load Song Demo again. Do not generate/play.
4. Right click track your going to replace.

6. Right Click track your going to replace again.
7. Select the User Track you want to try.
8. Generate the song.

9. If you like, then your done.
10. If you do not like then go back to step three above.

If your replacing a midi track.
1. Perform step 1a.
2. Perform step 2.
3. Perform step 3.
4. Perform step 6-10.
5. Done again.

If your working with the final music, use it instead of BIAB Demo Song.
Step three is crucial for success.

This may seem very simplistic, and it is.
IMHO, and short experience with UT's it is needed.

No Coffee yet, Oh well, these were 3 am thoughts.
Sheez rharv, kinda like old coding days.

Last edited by seeker; 05/30/14 09:00 AM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum