Hi Larry,

I have discovered the cause of my distorted audio on ASIO playback. If in the PT Options/Preferences/Audio window the checkbox for 'Allow IM effects recording [ASIO only]' is ticked the result is distorted playback. By leaving this checkbox blank I can now use the ASIO4ALL driver satisfactorily.

With regard to my M1 softsynth which PT will not accept, since I have a load of other softsynths [particularly IK Multimedia] installed on the Windows 7 PC,I don't fancy uninstalling and reinstalling PT to hopefully solve the M1 problem. Since the M1 plays OK in my PT on my XP PC [and also in Cubase Essential 5] I can work around the problem. Tedious and annoying solution but not a major disaster.

I also use Hardware synths for my recordings specifically Roland JX3P, Yamaha DX5, Roland D50 and Roland RA 95. I agree that they provide a trouble-free immediate solution to recording.

Many thanks for your help and advice on these problems.

Peter J