You folks seem to like Piano's... This UT is jumpin Hi/Lo Bass boogie.

This is the demo:
BGNOPS1styDemoUsing Piano_Boogie Bassy EV 160.wma 2.54 meg

This is the UT Zip Pak.
It also contains the demo.
Piano, Upright, BoogieBassHi_Lo Rhythm, Pop Ev 32.66 meg

Hope this can become part of your music...

Magic word Feedback.....

Last edited by seeker; 09/07/14 05:26 PM.


Down The Street vs2015 12-03-2014
Win7, AMD QuadA8-5500,16GB,2TeraHD, Komplete 10
PG Ultra Plus 2016,Alesis 12USB, Sonar Platinum