BBB thanks for your warm welcome to the forums!
If I adopted the same attitude as yours I could respond that "I don't think anyone really cares if you think I 'sound a little bit like a whiner and complainer'. I know I don't!", but that would be equally unconstructive.
Instead, just for the sake of clarity:
1. I was asked to post the original note by Kent on the "live help" desk to highlight the issue.
2. Kent kindly sent me a link to download a previous version of the program (version 1.0 build 73 compared with the current version 1.0 build 76) which does clearly display the current tempo as shown in the help file.
3. Kent's response on the "live help" desk was exemplary and helped me overcome the issue, but it still seems relevant to highlght that a valuable feature of the program seems to have disappeared in the space of "3 builds".
4. I find it a useful measure of my progress to be able to compare the tempos at which I am able to comfortably play an exercise over time. If I could only manage a piece at 60bpm last week but this week I can do 84bpm, then that tells me I am making progress. It doesn't tell me anything about my phrasing, or dynamics, or rhythmic accuracy, or right hand technique, but it does tell me that I have been able to play faster this week than last week. So it is one (imperfect) measure of improvement. I am not interested in the absolute tempo; it is the change (hopefully an increase!) that is important. Its not even the size of the change that is that important, just the fact of a change.
5. Build 76 does not indicate the tempo so the only way I can think of measuring a change would be to try and synchronise a real metronome with each exrcise and note the change over time; this does not sound practical or productive! Build 73 indicates the tempo, allowing any improvement to be clearly seen.
6. You may be correct that no-one is interested in my initial positive impression of the product having been undermined by an apparent flaw. However I know that I take note of my customers' views in my own business, and I know of no reason why PG Music would not be similarly concerned by a positive initial impression having been damaged by an apparent flaw in the software. The fact that they have a "wishlist" section in their forums suggests they welcome feedback. If you think that the program is better not displaying the current tempo, then please say so and offer a reasoned argument, otherwise I fail to see the point of your post in a "wishlist" context.
7. A sub-forum containing the word "wishlist" in it's title is probably not the place to expect to find unalloyed positivity about a company's products. I am sorry you see my comments as "whining" and "complaining"; they were intended as constructive criticism, albeit tinged with my frustration that what the help file promised was present was not in fact available. I am still enjoying the product (at least build 73) and hpe to continue to do so for some time to come. If a future "build 77" fixes the issues I have raised, then I will be extremely pleased.
I hope all that makes sense.