Once you have made the UserTrack you can load it into a BB song then save it as a Style and it will use that UserTrack in the new Style whenever you use it.Making the UT with Loops in Realband:
Just set it to Snap to beat up on the top left of tracks window so when you drag and drop the loops in they will snap to the beat.
Set the session tempo to that of the loops.
Go up to Options > Preferences > General, down the bottom un-tick "Advance current time after dragging.."
also Options > Auto Rewind > Playback.
Drag the first loop in to the first bar.
In the makers window click Insert and copy n paste the filename of the loop this will let you keep track of what loop is where.
Now go to the Chord window and put in the chord of the loop and so on, don't go pass 250 bars, just start another template.
If you have some endings or held chords in the loops you can make up an Endings template.
http://www.realband.org/tutorials.html This is a screen shot of RB making up UserTracks with Loops.
Endings & Holds