
Yep they have many ways to skin that cat - TBD I guess what they do.

As an example, my copy of SPSS will go inop this year, had it for about 15 years but since I didn't buy any follow on maintenance plans after first few years, it goes "time out" in April '15. I have other stats packages I use more often now anyway. But SPSS (older versions) and BMDP (another long since defunct package, which I had as well) were the gold standards for accuracy in statistical analysis back "in the day."

Funny thing my SPSS doesn't even run in Win 7, I have to use my XP boot drive, VM, or laptop XP anyway so no great loss, but it is like my '68 ES-335 been everywhere with me and I know all it's in and outs.


About 3 weeks ago I had to convert over to the new account - it was based on a really old email, got it going but lots of stuff was absent (really old stuff, but it is the principle of this thing). They finally got 95% up on the account now. I've been with them since DOS days so had a lot of SW to get up there.


Win10Pro,i9,64GB,2TBSSD+20TBHDDs,1080TI,BIAB'24,Scarlett18i8,Montage7,Fusion 8HD,QS8,Integra7,XV5080,QSR,SC-8850,SPLAT,FL21&others,Komp.14,IK suite&others, just a guitar player-AXE FX III &FM9T, FishmanTP, MIDIGuitar2, GK2/3'sw/GI20