Really nice song!! Just love the genuine emotion-really creates a nice mood. Love the arrangement, the harmonies. Everything in the right place. I would probably bring down the verb and the high end on the vocal a bit. I too struggle with a high end addiction, but am in rehab for that with Dr. Floyd Jane. Really enjoyed this a lot!! Take care. Greg

Thanks Greg,
Guilty as charged, I'm still finding my way. This song is from last year
and I realized somewhere along the line that I was recording (especially vocals) thru a V20 into Sonar with reverb and EQ at the beginning and then adding reverb, compression, EQ at the the end. I was also mixing
in my headphones where everything sounded fine. On top of that I have
lost a lot of my hearing, like most the high range. Writing, recording,
and mixing is such a fun process and I really appreciate your input.