Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
(continuing with reasons why I think the following people should make user testimonial videos)

GIBSON should make one because he's just so off-the-charts creative, whatever he came up with would be priceless! (Do it, pleeease. I beg you!)


Thanks Pat blush I am humbled blush
I have sat and thought about doing one but, health aside, I struggle to work out a "story board" showing how I do my stuff. The reason is there is little common ground to each song regarding BIAB.

Apart from:
Every song is written in my head, apart from the obvious bit of getting the chord structure to fit my ramblings/lyrics. I do that on my 12 string or electric piano and then input the chords to BIAB and audition many styles until one seems to fit the mood, sort of. Muting any solo RTs on the way. I then write a midi file to disc, including the chord track, which also makes wav files of the RTs. Then import midi and RTs to my DAW, Cubase. Sometimes I have a few versions of the same song, each is saved separately, and imported to Cubase as above and all in the same song.I use the standard windows sound set for all BIAB midi and always keep BIAB open (mme drivers)with asio for Cubase. I would LOVE a VSTi or Rewire version of BIAB

Then the shenanigans start crazy
This is where I am struggling to make sense of a random and sometimes chaotic process which ends up as one of my songs. And then how do I condense it into a short video that is "gibsonised" grin ? I am working on it, but don't hold your breath.

And then there is your testimonial which was BRILLIANT an extremely high standard set by you cool that I have to reach for mad grin
