I love PTPro, but there is one main feature that keeps me going back to Master Tracks Pro. The change filter.
In MTPro, every edit that can be made with MIDI data has a check box that allows you to apply the edit through the change filter. Whether you highlighted a single bar, a single instrument or multiple MIDI tracks, if you want to global change, it's a few clicks away.
I'd love to see this incorporated into PTPro, it would make it my very favorite MIDI sequencer/DAW and I wouldn't even need MTPro anymore.
Here is a picture of the Change Filter dialog box.
It's easy to see the options you have with the filter. Do you want to change a single note (all the C3 notes)? Use the
Pitches From dialog. Only notes on the second beat of the (or every) measure? Use the
Start Times Within... dialog.
You can see the other options above, and you can combine them. So if you only want to change the snare drum on the first beat of every other measure you can choose the snare drum note and combine it with the start time.
Every edit dialog box that involves MIDI notes has a check box for Use Change Filter and a button that opens the change filter.But what and how do you want to change it?
Here are a few examples.
If you want to slide all the snare drum notes, or all the notes on the 2nd and 4th beat of the measure to a few clock tics behind the beat (for a funk or other rhythm), you can choose that and use the change filter for only those notes. There are numerous other uses for this feature, and I use this one on almost every song I create
You can use this one in conjunction with the change filter to only change the velocity of the notes you want to change, without affecting the others. Say you want to bring up the volume of some soft notes that you didn't hit hard enough on the keyboard. You can add 10 (or any value/percentage you choose) and then use the change filter to change only notes with velocities from 0 to 50 (or any other value you choose).
Say you want that snare drum on D2 to be the other snare drum on E2 (or however your synth/sequencer assigns the number) -- BTW you can use the MIDI note number if you prefer. Transpose up a step and use the change filter to only change the snare drum note.
All other MIDI options can be changed globally, only on a few measures, or a single/multiple tracks using the change filter check box and button. Here are a couple of other examples.
As you can imagine, the change filter with every MIDI not editing box is a very powerful and time saving tool. If PG Music would incorporate this into PTPro, it would be a great benefit to me and I think most other MIDI people.
How about it Peter? What do you think? This is my number one wish and although I've thought about suggesting it for years, this is my first official wish on the PTPro wish list.