Originally Posted By: Pat Marr
The acapella intro really highlights the quality of Janice's voice!

... clear as a mountain stream's water

... sweet as a clover field's honey

... pitch perfect as um.. as perfect as Janice's voice! (that's the best example I can come up with for perfection!)

Apologies if all my comments sound the same for your songs, but I have a limited vocabulary in terms of superlatives. I use my whole stash on every song!

Bud, I hope you already know how highly I esteem the many talents you bring to all of your projects! Your skill in mixing, RT choices, song research, lyric writing etc etc have been proven over and over again!

Congratulations to both of you on yet another piece of well-produced ear candy!

Pat, Bud here, I can't begin to tell you what a smile you put on Janice's face with those comments. When I suggested a slow a cappella kickoff I could tell that she was a bit apprehensive about it but she nailed it in a couple of takes. It means a lot for you to say that. And I myself genuinely appreciate your remarks about my part in these productions. I'm a work in progress and your support helps a lot.
Thank you,


Originally Posted By: gruverider
Welcome to N'awlins! Janice your voice really rocks this style and Bud another great production.

A wonderful listen on a September afternoon!

Thanks mr gruve. N'awlins, indeed! We appreciate the comments very much.

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