Originally Posted By: SRP
I love what you did with this song. I listened to the original first and man you guys did a super job with your version. Great vocal and instrumentation!

Thanks Sonny. We tried to get away from the way so many versions had been presented.

Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Hi Janice & Bud,

I am really glad I got to hear this tune. The intro was a first rate pro vocal. Actually I really enjoyed the listen. Bud, you did a very professional job with your part of this.

This song is better than most of the stuff I hear on the radio.

I have been working sixteen hours a day for the last few weeks. This was a nice thing to come home too.

Sorry for all the stuff I have missed but I think next week things will return to normal in my life.

Put it on the internet....I will pay a dollar to download a copy!!

Best of everything to you folks.


Thanks Billy! That is nice of you to say and BTW you can download it from soundcloud for $0 smile

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