Hi, this is my first visit to this sub-forum. Wow, there's so much here! Which is good for obvious reasons, but, selfishly, bad, as there's soooo much
to go through --1210 threads here -- and downloading / auditioning even 50% or 25% would take more time than I have.
And, with respect, I suspect that even if I did so, I would find that, as these come from a cross-section of the BIAB public, some are likely to be more usable than others.
Ideally, I'd love to see the list of shared UTs entered into a filterable Stylepicker-type database, so we could sort just as we do with RTs already loaded into BIAB. But that I know is ambitious, and probably would be a distraction for PGM from more important things -- so then perhaps, how about something much simpler -- a single page, tabular format list of UTs as a sticky thread, which could be copied and pasted into Excel so we could sort them?
It would also be really useful if forum members could give star ratings, or the ability to simply "like", indivdual UTs, and have these data collected / updated to the list, to give some indication of popularity.
Yes, I know ultimately it's down to me to say what I like; but in the real world, the opinions of other users can be a valuable starting point.
Now, I'm new here, so I can imagine that this idea of public rankings might not go down so well -- we are all human, (not only that, but humans on the internet!), so people could get feelings hurt, rancour could ensue etc -- so, I just throw out this idea and will leave it at that, if folks don't like it, fine.
But short-term, in the absence of something like that, could I pretty please ask a favour? Could anyone who feels like it, share with me, either here, or in a PM, a list of which UTs you find really good? I'm open-minded about the style of music, I am primarily interested in how well do they actually work in BIAB (recognising the limitations, of course, of all UTs). Though I do have a soft spot for blues electric guitars, acoustic guitars (esp fingerstyle), resonators, pedal steel, strings, and piano.
Grateful for any guidance here!