I downloaded all of the content (waiting on shipment of Mini-Drive). For the most part things are working. What is not is that I put the new Real Tracks in the correct BIAB folder but BIAB would not find them. I did select the option that instructs BIAB where to look and i took a couple of times for it to "take." I did use the "Rebuild" button but upon rebuild it kept saying my files were not in the folder (though they are). My RT Demo folder selections seem to play despite this though the Rebuild feature continues to say the RT files are not installed.
Still, I have things pretty much working. I am guessing that when the mimi-drive arrives all of these problems will resolve.

OVERALL, this is a fantastic update. And I have looked ahead at the Windows 2016 video demo and the improvements in that are stunning - I am hoping the new chord interface (which allows typing the lyrics in the bar space) and the new Styles Search Function make it into the new 2016 Mac version.