Fixed: The [Options] button in the Repeats dialog would open the old Display Options window.
Fixed: The track buttons in the notation window would sometimes cause random messages to appear.
Fixed: The song title subgenres were not translated in localized versions.
Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | Copy Lyrics to Clipboard did not work with bar-based lyrics.
Fixed: Saving a scheme in Display Options might fail sometimes (error = "Failed to save scheme file").
Fixed: Rests & Pushes would not display in color while other chords in the same bar were being entered.
Fixed: N/A styles show in the StylePicker the first time it opens.
Fixed: In the What Add-ons do I have? dialog, RealTracks that only include RealDrums will be missing.
Fixed: When opening or importing a WAV file, and choosing "No" for the popup message "File is mono. Answer Yes to import as mono, or No to convert to stereo" would not convert the audio to stereo.
Fixed: When opening or importing a WAV file, and choosing "Cancel" for the popup message "File is mono. Answer Yes to import as mono, or No to convert to stereo" would not cancel the import.
Fixed: The track decibel offset saved in style files was not applying to UserTracks.
Summary of changes for Build 433 (April 29, 2016):
Fixed: The Help button in the Save XML File dialog did not work.
Fixed: Sometimes a part-marker might be changed unintentionally (eg. when double-clicking on a file in the File Open dialog, and the mouse is currently over a part marker).
Fixed: Edit | Insert Bar(s) would not shift Bar Lyrics or Section Text (layers).
Fixed: Edit | Delete Bar(s) would not shift Bar Lyrics or Section Text (layers).
Fixed: BB hard drive icon was pixelated.
Fixed: If a "Held" variation of a RealTrack is used in a song, then all the chords will change to the held color while generating, but not changed back after.
Fixed: Opening a new song would not always scroll to the top.
Fixed: CTRL+P in the Chordsheet would change a part marker instead of opening the Print Options window.
Summary of changes for Build 432 (Feb 29, 2016):
Fixed: The right-click context menu was not opening in Regular notation mode.
Fixed: The About dialog now shows the exact version of the élastique DLL.
Fixed: Clicking on a bar in the chordsheet would not take focus away from the title box (eg. if user was editing the title).
Fixed: Clicking on [Defaults] in Display Options while layers were open would cause ghost layers to remain on screen.
Fixed: Generating a song list could be slow if songs included videos, audio tracks, lyrics, etc.
Fixed: The menu item File > Import > Import Melody from Clipboard was always showing as enabled even when there was no MIDI data on the clipboard.
Fixed: The menu item File > Import > Import to Soloist Part from Clipboard was always showing as enabled even when there was no MIDI data on the clipboard.
Fixed: The menu item Melody > Edit Soloist Track > Import to Soloist Part from Clipboard was always showing as enabled even when there was no MIDI data on the clipboard.
Fixed: The R key was not opening the Record MIDI dialog.
Fixed: When opening or creating a new song, the page might not scroll up to bar 1 in some situations (eg. after playing a song that had a tag ending).
Fixed: Some songs (eg. with tag endings, or unknown repeat types) would scroll to a bar way past the end of the song in the chordsheet view.
Fixed: The Save As Video window background was purple.
Fixed: Audio Edit window was always docked (Ie. the Window > Moveable Audio Edit Window did not create a moveable window).
Fixed: Audio Edit window would not reflect the "Bar 1 of the song" audio track offset properly when the song tempo was changed.
Fixed: The "Bar 1 of the song" audio track offset mark was not showing the Audio Edit window.
Fixed: UserTracks marks were not showing in the Audio Edit window.
Fixed: The select-to cursor in the Audio Edit window would jump to the very end of the track if dragging to the left of zero (beginning of track).
Fixed: The right-click context menu was not opening in the Audio Edit window.
Fixed: Adding a UserTracks marker was not undoable.
Fixed: Removing UserTracks marker(s) was not undoable.
Added: Audio Edit right-click context menu now has option to remove closest UserTracks marker to cursor (within one beat).
Added: Audio Edit right-click context menu now has option to remove all UserTracks markers within selected range.
Added: Audio Edit right-click context menu now has option to permanently apply the bar 1 offset by deleting or inserting silence at the beginning of the track.
Fixed: Audio Edit window had no Help button.
Fixed: Stopping playback (Esc, Spacebar keys) cleared the highlighted region in the chordsheet, so re-looping the same region (F10 key) was not possible.
Fixed: The chordsheet would not scroll to the top when playback starts from the count-in.
Changed: "High Quality Tempo/Pitch Stretching" in RealTracks Preferences will always be set to false when booting up Band-in-a-Box.
Fixed: Loading a scheme in Display Options might cause a strange font size for the main chord font, if the scheme was assigned to a custom font.
Fixed: Changes to colors or fonts for layers in Display Options would not display immediately in the Notation Window.
Fixed: Custom font names in Display Options would not update when loading a scheme or pressing [Defaults].
Fixed: Bar Lyrics font size in the Lead Sheet Window were not adjusting relative to the screen height.
Fixed: Bar Lyrics font size was not correct in the Print Preview window.
Added: "Bar Lyrics Font" settings added to Notation Options. This allows a specific font size percentage to be applied to Bar Lyrics in the leadsheet.
Fixed: When selecting a Controller in the Event List dialog, there was a typo "99 Non--Registered PN LSB" which should say "99 Non-Registered PN MSB".
Fixed: "Show chords with pushes/rests in color" setting in Display Options became disabled when un-checking "Show chords with push/rest characters".
Changed: "Show chords with pushes/rests in color" applies to the whole chord, instead of just the punctuation. This makes plain rests easier to see.
Fixed: Selecting a loop in the list would cause an error if the loop was currently playing.
Fixed: The track decibel offset saved in style files was not applying to loops.
Fixed: When saving the current instruments as a style, any audio loops would not be included if the underlying style already included loops on the same track.
Changed: Loops play only 1 ending bar now instead of 2.
Fixed: RealDrums suggested tempo ranges are much more accurate
Fixed: CC#99 typo in event list editor
Improved: exe is signed using sha256
Fixed: _FNKBLS.STY was still reported in StylePicker as having N/A drums.
Updated: RealTracks Artist bio's - corrected outdated info and links.
Fixed: RealDrums BossaTerryClarke was not showing the correct B substyle in the RealDrums picker window.
Fixed: RockabillySlowSing^ was incorrectly displaying the different variations.
Improved: Volume levels for all of the 2016 RealTracks have been fine-tuned. They are at consistent levels with similar styles and should be easier to mix.
Summary of changes for Build 431 (Jan 14, 2016):
Fixed: The title in the Windows taskbar, and the ALT-TAB window was not including the proper song file title (it would usually just say " - NONAME.SG1").
Fixed: The registered symbol was missing from the About dialog.
Fixed: When opening a song, the chordsheet would not scroll to bar 1.
Fixed: The chordsheet did not allow the use of a hyphen for entering a minor chord.
Fixed: The chordsheet was not displaying bass pedal information.
Fixed: Some XML files would cause an access violation error when opened.
Fixed: The =/+ key was not responding (to tap out a tempo).
Fixed: Edit | Undo Keep Audio Take would not do anything unless there was an existing audio track before recording occurred.
Fixed: Edit | Undo Paste (after importing audio) would not do anything unless there was an existing audio track before the import occurred.
Fixed: The "Enable Control by QWERTY keys" Conductor feature was not working (chord entry would happen instead).
Updated: RealTracks Picker memos for the latest RealTracks are added/improved.
Fixed: Chord Display | Choose Colors for chords and notation display... or choosing colors in Preferences | Color would cause and access violation (in build 430).
Added: The "Horn Section, Background CroonerJazz9-Part Sw 110" RealTracks style now has a simple arrangement available.
Updated: PDF User's Guide, and Help file.
Fixed: Converting line-based lyrics to bar-based lyrics was not undoable, and would you would not be prompted to save your song when exiting.
Fixed: The flash message 'Your song contains line-based lyrics, and you can convert them to bar-based lyrics.' would appear when opening songs with line-based lyrics and bar-based lyrics.
Fixed: The 'max rows:' setting used for the 'Auto-adjust #rows' feature would always default to 17. For smaller screens it should default to 12.
Fixed: Typo: "Non--Registered PN LSB" should say "Non-Registered PN MSB".
Fixed: When "Start the ending 2 bars early" is enabled in Song Settings, the last 2 bars in the chordsheet would be grayed out. This should only happen if there is only 1 chorus in the song.
Fixed: When exiting the MIDI Driver Setup dialog by clicking OK, the MIDI latency setting would not be validated if using a DXi synth and an MME audio driver. This could cause the MIDI latency setting, and the audio latency setting to both be set to improper values.
Improved: When exiting the MIDI Driver Setup dialog by clicking OK, the user will be warned if the latency setting was changed automatically.
Improved: The redraw speed of the chordsheet during playback has been improved. This may be more noticeable on some machines than others.
Fixed: The song title in the Windows taskbar, and the ALT-TAB window was not updated immediately after loading a song.
Fixed: There were various impertinent flash messages displayed when toggling layers (Eg. "The chordsheet and notation are now set back to Concert...").
Fixed: The state of layers was not saved in between program sessions.
Added: There is a new setting in Options | Preferences | Display Options: "Auto-open/close editable layers". If enabled, any editable layers (Bar Lyrics & Section Text) will automatically open or close when opening songs. Eg. if a song has lyrics then the Bar Lyrics will become enabled. Previously this setting was always enabled and could not be changed by the user.
Added: Playback using MME audio drivers now detects glitches/stuttering. After playback has stopped, a green flash message will warn the user of audio stuttering, and suggest an increased audio latency setting.
Added: "Display warnings for detected audio stuttering" setting added to Options | Preferences | Audio. If enabled, and there is audio stuttering detected, a warning flash message will be displayed after playback has stopped. This only applies to MME audio drivers (not ASIO).
Improved: The individual instruments in the Crooner Horn section have been expanded to included a more diverse offering of riffs and phrases.
Improved: Transcriptions for the RealTracks Guitar, Electric, BackgroundSoloist SurfRock16thsBrent Ev 165 and Bass, Synth, RetroPop Ev16 085.
Added: Notation and tablature are now available for Bass, Electric, SurfRockSyncVintage Ev 165, Bass, Electric, SurfRock8ths Ev 165, Bass, Electric, ModernDiscoFunkAlex Ev 110, Bass, Electric, UptempoSoul16ths Ev16 100, and Bass, Electric, SoulFunkSwingAlex Sw 120.
Fixed: Drum Grid Editor, Record Pattern, and Pattern Editor buttons were missing from the StyleMaker.
Fixed: The StylePicker sometimes reported a corrupted/damaged "stylz1.bin" file.
Fixed: Duplicate entries were shown in StylePicker sometimes.
Fixed: _FNKBLS pointed to the incorrect RealDrums.
Fixed: The B section of SpoonsTradReel was not playing correctly.
Added: RealDrums Demos Audio for FusionSlowEvDanny^.
Added: Style Demos Audio added for _HEPNO60.STY.
Added: Additional Crooner .SGU Demos, and additional .SGU demos for RealTracks variations.
Fixed: A few synth audition files did not play correctly.
Fixed: Many RealTracks Artist bio's had messed up formatting.
Fixed: The rendering setting "Include ACID info" defaulted to true, which was not ideal for exporting audio to some DAW programs (eg. Sonar).
Fixed: Automatic update check wouldn't work in some cases.
Fixed: Dates for new styles match the BB2016 release date, in the StylePicker.
Summary of changes for Build 430 (Jan 4, 2016):
Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | "Erase Bar-Based Lyrics" did not redraw chordsheet (ie. lyrics would not disappear until clicking somewhere in the chordsheet).
Fixed: Bar Settings changes indicator (red underline) was hard to see, especially if part marker color was red.
Fixed: Bar Settings changes indicator would not always appear/disappear after making changes in the Bar Settings dialog.
Fixed: Chordsheet was not responding to special [#] key on UK keyboards.
Fixed: Editing Bar Lyrics layer or Section Text layer would not increase text box size if adding more than the current lines of text showing.
Fixed: Bar Lyrics and Section Text layers would never display an ampersand character.
Fixed: Track radio controls would not move when window was resized, and some of them would get hidden behind the mixer.
Fixed: Funk70sPop RealDrums typo in RD Picker
Fixed: A couple of PG styles showing up as User styles.
Fixed: Choosing custom fonts for either 'Chords (main)' or 'Chords (additional)' ignored choice of style (Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout);
Fixed:'Chord font size %' added to Display Options.
Fixed: Editing Bar Lyrics layer or Section Text layer was not undoable.
Fixed: Track radio control positions where not updated when opening the program.
Fixed: Green underlines for indicating RealCharts (under track radio controls) were not always in the correct positions.
Fixed: Bar Settings changes indicator uses a unique color now (defaults to red). This color can be set in Display Options by selecting 'Bar Settings indicator' in the color picker.
Fixed: Options | Preferences | SPACEBAR key setting was not working (ie. "Enters no chord (deletes current chord)" would be ignored).
Fixed: Options | Preferences | Enter Key Advances Highlight Bar setting was ignored (ie. it was ALWAYS on).
Fixed: When recording from a specific bar, MIDI would not get recorded unless recording audio as well.
Fixed: In the floating Notation window, sometimes the Bar Lyrics layer would not show if the row was empty, making it impossible to start editing that row.
Fixed: Editing Bar Lyrics or Section Text in the floating Notation window would not update the chordsheet.
Fixed: Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Preserve Double Stops... would use the wrong range unless processing entire song.
Fixed: Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Remove Double Stops... would use the wrong range unless processing entire song.
Fixed: When choosing range for various MIDI editing features, nothing would happen after clicking [OK] (as if [Cancel] was clicked instead). These were the features effected by this bug: Melody | Edit Melody Track | Remove Harmony (or guitar solo) from Melody Track... Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Remove Harmony (or guitar solo) from Soloist Track... Window | Lyrics | Vocal Wizard... | [Set Range...] File | Save Special... | Save Song As MIDI File... | [Set Range...] Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Preserve Double Stops... Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Remove Double Stops... Melody | Edit Melody Track | Rechannel to Specific Guitar Fret Position over Range... Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Rechannel to Specific Guitar Fret Position over Range... Melody | Edit Melody Track | Transpose | Transpose Melody only... Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Transpose | Transpose Melody Part
Fixed: When "Auto-adjust rows" was enabled in Display Options, the rows would not auto-adjust when opening a new song, creating a new song, or changing the length of the song.
Fixed: The "Auto-adjust rows" would not consider the number of columns (assumed 4).
Fixed: Chordsheet scrolling would not work with some mice and track pads.
Summary of changes for Build 429 (Dec 18, 2015):
Fixed: "Convert line-based lyrics to bar-based lyrics" setting in the Overrides dialog would not get reset when clicking on the [Defaults] button.
Fixed: Overrides dialog did not have proper hints for new bar-based lyrics items.
Fixed: Clicking [Convert now...] for converting line-based lyrics to bar-based lyrics would not automatically turn on the Bar Lyrics layer.
Fixed: Bar Lyrics layer and Section Text layer would only allow a maximum of 127 characters be typed in (rather than 255).
Fixed: When loading an acid loop that is tagged as "one-shot", then "Stretch Tempo" should not be checked in the loops dialog.
Fixed: 'Panic!' and 'Panic should also Reset DXi synth' items were missing from the Play menu.
Fixed: Leadsheet did not show bar-based lyrics.
Fixed: Some cases of editing the song (eg. entering chords) would not show the file as being edited in the title bar (“*”), and you would not be prompted to save your song when exiting or opening another song.
Fixed: Symbols on the right of the chord cell would force chord font to be small on beats 3 or 4.
Fixed: The chord cells would always be evenly divided (widths), but they should always meet in the center of the box (eg. when there is a repeat symbol on the right, only beats 3 & 4 should be squished).
Fixed: After editing a song, when asked if you want to save your song, the Save As dialog would always appear even if you had picked a file name for your song previously.
Fixed: Sometimes the new Style Picker would show additional scrollbars.
Fixed: The bar & beat numbers in the title bar would be incorrect.
Fixed: Opening a new song did not move cursor to bar 1.
Fixed: The description of Bar Settings changes in the title bar would sometimes not show the right bar number (eg. in songs with time signature changes).
Fixed: The current cell/bar on the chordsheet was not in sync with the notation and leadsheet windows.
Fixed: Display Options dialog would not appear, and freeze Band-in-a-Box until ESC key pressed. This would only happen with low resolution monitors.
Fixed: Possible application crash when opening the Display Options.
Fixed: Some machines (likely with their operating system set to something less than 32bit color) will crash on bootup.
Fixed: MIDI Chord Detection was not working.
Fixed: Audio could only be imported once per program session.
Fixed: MIDI would not get recorded unless recording audio as well.
Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | "Line based Lyrics" sub-menu removed.
Fixed: After entering a chord into the chordsheet, it would not appear in the leadsheet.
Fixed: Sometimes the Style Picker would take a long time to open.
Fixed: Style Picker now has a new filter for showing or not showing styles that are use missing RealTracks or RealDrums (Other | Show Styles with RealTracks/RealDrums that are Found/Not Found [RT n/a]...).
Updated: PDF manuals and Tips updated.
Fixed: Sinsy vocal synth - lyrics weren't written correctly.
Improved: Sinsy vocal synth - notes are made legato, which limits choppy generation.
Fixed: Loops Dialog resizable (BB and RealBand) and remembers positions between sessions. Height and Widhts of Loops list increases.
Fixed: RealTracks Picker Song and Style Demo buttons weren't finding the recent Song and Style demos (from RealTracks sets 228-253).
Fixed: Sibelius 8.01 XML files could not be loaded.
Fixed: Moving the guitar after visiting options dialog could result in narrowing of the fretboard width, within the guitar window.
Fixed: Capo setting didn't get properly updated visually unless visiting the Guitar Options dialog.
Fixed: "Pause Till MIDI received" doesn't interfere with stylepicker.
Fixed: StylePicker Options dialog default button only resets options for that dialog.
Fixed: Time sig menu (4/4), reduced text.
Added: MIDI Patch filter added to 'Other' Menu of stylepicker.
Fixed: F5 dialog and other dialogs updated to use the new StylePicker.
Fixed: F5 dialog was not loading style in correct bar sometimes.
Fixed: ASIO fix for Tascam 16x08 recording/VU Meters or other Int24 LSB format audio.
Improved: Download Manager - UI changes to make settings are more intuitive, and 'Total' bandwidth indicator added.
Improved: Download Manager - Automatically installs files only after all downloads complete, and gives message suggesting to close BB. This is intended to avoid conflicts and reduce the chance of failed installs.
Fixed: Download Manager - Prevent cases where files are erroneously re-downloaded.
Fixed: Download Manager - Individual download button functionality improved. Allows user to re-download a file if they choose to.
Fixed: Some gibberish characters in the StylePicker.
Summary of changes for Build 427 (Dec 3, 2015):
Added: New Feature: Stereo UserTracks supported.
Fixed: Adding/removing/changing part markers would un-highlight the highlighted region of the chordsheet.
Fixed: Edit | Cut for just one cell would not copy the data of that cell (to clipboard) for pasting later.
Fixed: Using [Chord Display] | Choose Colors for chord and notation Display... while in the notation window would not fully update the chordsheet once leaving the notation window.
Added: The Download Manager can be run from Help | Utilities | Run Download/Install Manager now...
Fixed: Section Letters on the chordsheet do not fit within part markers for shorter part markers.
Fixed: Sometimes repeat symbols (DC al Coda, 'tag', etc.) would overlap the chords on the chordsheet.
Fixed: Repeats and chorus end symbols did not show the # of times to repeat (eg. '3X :|')
Fixed: Capo setting didn't get properly updated visually unless visiting the Guitar Options dialog.
Fixed: Moving the guitar after visiting options dialog could result in narrowing of the fretboard width, within the guitar window.
Summary of changes for Build 426 (Dec 2, 2015):
Fixed: For localized versions, the program would crash while opening.
Fixed: Edit | Cut would not clear the selected region (ie. select NO bars).
Fixed: Help | Program Manuals (PDF) not linking to the 2016 manuals.
Updated: PDF upgrade manual.
Last edited by Andrew - PG Music; 05/16/1607:28 AM.
Back when automatic update was first introduced there was some discussion in the forum about how the feature works. My understanding is automatic update does not recognize beta updates.
I don't know how many people wait for the beta flag to be removed from an update. I always download and install updates when I see a new release so I haven't seen the update flag yet.
One additional thought; a backup is automatically made as the first step of any BiaB or RB update. If an update does create an unexpected issue, there is a menu option to roll back the update. To my knowledge only one update has been recalled due to causing issues.
Last edited by Jim Fogle; 05/17/1606:44 AM. Reason: add comment
So the question remains...should we go ahead and install the 434 Beta version? Part of me says, "Yes, because this is not Microsoft, it's real software ." The other part says, "No, 'Beta' means 'still in the test phase'".
Beta mostly means "most recent" here. It has already been tested by a small group of users and, of course, the company. And, though I only did it once years ago, you can roll back easily.
BIAB 2025 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 7 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6, Song Master Pro, Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus 192 & Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors.
Well, I don't know about you guys, and I'm a technology dinosaur....but the new update is AWESOME! Knock on wood...please don't jinx me...
Everything on my system is running faster. Rendering used to take a couple minutes at a minimum and my header would say "Not Responding," but I knew it was churning, just took forever.
Rendered twice to wav, one wav per track, merge, 2 bar lead, (7 instruments, 114 bars), 20 seconds.
And inserting bars doesn't interrupt the flow of others, like put text out of sync.
I'm sure they are mentioned in the list above, which I haven't read, but man, I'm impressed! Thanks, PG!
2016 BIAB UltraPlusPak HD Windows 8.1 8 GB, 64-bit, 2 TB Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB 2.0 Audio Interface M-Audio AV40 Monitors (powered) Zoom R16 Recorder - Interface - Controller
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows® now includes support for VST3 plugins, bringing even more creative possibilities to your music production. Join Simon as he guides you through the process in this easy-to-follow demonstration!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using VST3 Plugins
Video: Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows: Using The BB Stem Splitter!
In this video, Tobin provides a crash course on using the new BB Stem Splitter feature included in Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®. During this process he also uses the Audio Chord Wizard (ACW) and the new Equalize Tempo feature.
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Using the BB Stem Splitter
Check out the forum post for some optional Tips & Tricks!
Congrats to Misha (Rustyspoon)…downloaded/installed a full Audiophile 2025!
Breaking News!
We’re thrilled to announce that Rustyspoon has made PG history as the very first person to successfully complete the download and install of the full Band-in-a-Box 2025 Windows Audiophile Edition (with FLAC files)—a whopping 610GB of data!
A big shoutout to Rustyspoon for stepping up to be our test "elf!"
With the launch of Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows, we're adding new videos to our YouTube channel. We'll also share them here once they are published so you can easily find all the Band-in-a-Box® 2025 and new Add-on videos in one place!
Whether it's a summary of the new features, demonstrations of the 202 new RealTracks, new XPro Styles PAK 8, or Xtra Styles PAKs 18, information on the 2025 49-PAK, or detailed tutorials for other Band-in-a-Box® 2025 features, we have you covered!
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows is here, packed with major new features and an incredible collection of available new content! This includes 202 RealTracks (in Sets 449-467), plus 20 bonus Unreleased RealTracks in the 2025 49-PAK. There are new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, “Songs with Vocals” Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 4, two new sets of “RealDrums Stems,” XPro Styles PAK 8, Xtra Styles PAK 19, and more!
Special Offers
Upgrade to Band-in-a-Box® 2025 with savings of up to 50% on most upgrade packages during our special—available until December 31, 2024! Visit our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
2025 Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK Add-ons
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some incredible Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2025 packages, but for even more Add-ons (including 20 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade to the 2025 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
If you have any questions, feel free to connect with us directly—we’re here to help!
One of our representatives will be happy to help you over the phone. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday, and 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST Saturday. We are closed Sunday. You can also send us your questions via email.
One of our representatives will be happy to help you on our Live Chat or by email. Our hours of operation are from
6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8) Monday thru Friday; 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8) Saturday; Closed Sunday.