Originally Posted By: RnAM
Darn, at first glance at the title we thought we were going to listen to a cover of icehouse's hey little girl ;-)
Just kidding, this one sounds great!
As do all of your songs, they are among the best on this forum.
The arrangements, the clarity of the mixes, the vocals and background vocals. All of this shows a truly great musical talent.
Your comments on songs of others are always positive and constructive. I think we speak for all on this forum when we say that the energy you put into this is very much appreciated!

Rob & Anne-Marie

Thanks for such nice comments. I could say the same about you guys... glad that y'all are here!!

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud

Thanks for mentioning us. The friendship and the collabs are priceless. And how cool to have the Janettes on #100! We enjoyed the interesting great backstory also.

Oh, and BTW, if any forum folks are reading our response please do check out Jon's site. He is a writer of great distinction.

One hundred songs is impressive but when you factor in the consistent high quality of the writes, the vocals and the production it takes on another dimension. Janice is thrilled to be part of this milestone!!


PS How fitting that #100 features EIGHT guitar RealTracks! That is not easy to do.

Appreciate all that, Bud. Y'all are my band mates. But, more importantly, dear friends... I do expect you'll be along for the next hundred.. smile