Thanks Callie - PG Music,

I never been a hot topic.....

I am not sure if this is a tip
or a disability... lol

The following lyrics were the first sung
like a sculptor seeing a partial image in a rock:
Nothing I can do.
Nothing I can choose.

Can you hear what you’re saying?
I know it's just for you.

Once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon


This song was not developed in a linear way...
I was quite lost, trying to figure out, what is this
song going to be about....

I used a long list of idioms... yes, my lyrics are jury rigged.
Like I'm acting as a lawyer, trying to lead the jury by a style
so the jury forgets what the trial is about...

I been scouting PG-music songs and users who responded
to this song.... how you guys/girls write lyrics...
is far more poetic than I capable of....

Thanks for your post Callie smile

Last edited by LPman; 10/06/16 04:53 PM.