Hey there OneManGig,
Welcome to the forum.
I just posted an entry earlier today on Basic Chord Entry on this forum. You can check that out and look at the other materials I reference in drop box for a quick run.
Basically you need to find 3 or 4 styles that sound like "you" (or what you want to sound like) in the genre you play in, and then just type in the chords you wrote on guitar into the boxes in the chord sheet.
Look at the demo I put in drop box on this post (link below), and try fiddling and fooling around with changing chords and you will get the idea.
Have you learned how to write a lead sheet? (Chords that occur in each measure?)
Band in a Box is essentially an electronic lead sheet with several thousand styles to choose from.
Regarding copyright, if you write a song it is already copyrighted, if it is posted on the cloud it is double copyrighted with a time stamp, if you mail the gov't a check at the US Copyright office it is a formality, but if you register with ASCAP or BMI and register your song there and someone steals it and puts it on the radio, well old Jed just become a millionaire. Most people who want the US copyright piece of paper send in a CD once a year with 12 songs on it and copyright the body of work. More bang for the buck. Just google federal copyright office and you will find the site with all of the forms and instructions for sending those in. It's under "artistic works." But again, it's just a formality.
Quick Link:
http://copyright.gov/forms/formsr.pdfAs a music industry lawyer told one of my friends:
"The best thing that could ever happen to us is if someone big stole one of your songs."
Also, you may want to set up a soundcloud channel--still free, it makes a really easy way to share your posts and get on BIAB radio.
P.S. Love your tagline!!!!
Check this out: