I honestly think the simplest way is going to hooktheory.com.

You check check out how thousands of songs are constructed withOUT knowing theory. You can simply look for how songs you like "look" and see patterns...even if it's just by color.

It also allows you to plug in chords from songs you like, and since you don't know what those may be, chances are some songs you like are already done. Plug those in, play with the timing a bit. Use some of the same notes (it actually allows you to stay within a key automatically) and have some fun!

You will start by making music. To me that has been fundamental in learning. My kids were writing songs before they know what they were doing. Out of doing, they were more excited to learn.

This can have you writing a song TODAY!

I hope that helps! That's not discounting the above advice. It's great advice. It can help explain what you are doing AND bring you in new directions as you learn.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.