I am also nominating Andrew Wasson, I have learned more from his lessons than any git-fiddle player I have tried. grin

- Name Andrew Wasson youtube channels
Creative Guitar Studio https://www.youtube.com/user/creativeguitarstudio
guitarblogupdate https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1iBPmVzzcHqJSXBcPppPkA

I would also like to nominate Jared Falk over at Drumeo...


A a drummer I love the structured, to the point, lessons & guest's that stop by. If you are a drummer it is worth the cost, and if you are even just programing drums this site will give you inste into HOW drummers think. cool

i5 3.20GHz, 32gb RAM, 1tb SSD OS, 12tb HDD, 4gb gForce vid card, 32" monitor, Audient id44, Win10 x64, BiaB/RB 2023, Reaper 6,IK Multimedia Total Studio 3.5 MAX, Waves 10